Arrival information and final announcements

We’re getting so close! Are you packed and ready?

As promised, here is a detailed, printable travel guide to help you get to campus. It contains emergency contacts, shuttle information, and detailed directions. PLEASE PRINT IT OUT AND KEEP IT WITH YOU.

A note about the shuttles: The shuttle schedule is based off peak arrival times for our group. We regret not being able to provide this service to all FLTAs.

At this point, I’ve received almost everyone’s itineraries, so please take a look for updates.

I’m so happy to hear that you’ve been discussing Friday’s show. As you plan the evening’s program, please plan for a break at 8:00-8:15 PM for some specials remarks.

This is likely my last email to the group. If you have any questions or concerns after reading through everything, please feel free to reach out. Be sure to spend some quality time with family and friends this weekend, and fill up on your favorite foods! I wish everyone a safe and pleasant journey!