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BA, Psychology, University of Queensland
Ph.D., Psychology, Princeton University

Office Location:
3720 Walnut St
Solomon Labs, Room D16
Department of Psychology
University of Pennsylvania

Contact Information:

Research Interests:
I study thinking, reasoning, social cognition, and moral judgment.  My research on social cognition and moral judgment includes topics such as:  Do people think of their moral beliefs as objective facts or subjective preferences?  What underlies people’s desire to punish wrongdoers?  What role does moral character play in guiding global impressions we form or others? How do people value different human lives?  What underlies people’s moral concern for the environment and future generations?  My research on deductive reasoning is currently focused on the meaning of conditional assertions, and has previously focused on relational reasoning.  Broadly, my research goal is to understand the psychological processes that underlie people's moral judgments and reasoning processes.

Geoff Goodwin CV 2022