Students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. program in the group should consult the website of Penn’s Department of Chemistry for admissions information and details on the application process.

Highly motivated, well-qualified researchers interested in Postdoctoral appointments in the group may contact Professor Percec directly at any time of the year. Please include an up-to-date CV and list of publications in your message.

The group also encourages undergraduate students, from Penn and elsewhere, and high school students, to come to the group during the summer months to gain experience of a fast-paced academic lab. Interested students may apply directly. Undergraduates may also apply for funded positions through the NSF’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program.

Contact details:
Professor Virgil Percec
P. Roy Vagelos Chair and Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
231 S. 34th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323

Shipping address for packages:
Professor Virgil Percec
Chemistry Stockroom
250 S. 33rd Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323

Tel.: (215) 573-5527
Fax: (215) 573-7888

Administrative Coordinator:  Robert Wertz, (215) 573-7887,