Curriculum Vitae



Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, 1966
Mellon Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh, 1966-67
B.S. Anthropology, Columbia University, 1960


R. Jean Brownlee Endowed Term Chair, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania.

Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.

Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania.

Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Urban Affairs. School of Urban and Public Affairs. Carnegie-Mellon University. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213.


Chiapas, Mexico; Indonesia and Malaysia (Minangkabau); Bililuna, Western Desert, Australia (Wolfe Creek Crater);  U.S. (College Campuses sexual culture).


Women’s Studies, Anthropology of Gender, Multiculturalism,
Sexual Culture, Public Interest Ethnography/Anthropology


1. Anthropology Associate Editor: Journal of Sex-Role Research, 1974-79.

2. Member of Board of Directors, Council on Anthropology and Education,

3. Socio-Cultural Program Associate Editor, 1975 Annual Meetings of
American Anthropological Association.

4. Member of the Board of Directors of the Social Science Research
Council, 1975-78.

5. Secretary, Board of Directors, Social Science Research Council,

6. Member of Organization Study Group, National Institute of Education,
1977-80. (Panel of academics and school practitioners formed to review
proposals and stimulate research on schools as organizations.)

7. Undergraduate Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania

8. Vice-President, Philadelphia Anthropological Association, 1983.

9. President, Philadelphia Anthropological Association, 1984.

10. Member, Executive Board, General Anthropology Division, American
Anthropological Association, 1985-87.

11. Member, Executive Board, American Anthropological Association,

12. Affirmative Action Officer, School of Arts and Sciences, University
of Pennsylvania, 1986-90.

13. Member, Board of Trustees, ITHAKA Cultural Studies Program in Crete.
(Study Abroad Program for American College students.) 1991-1994.

14. Ms Magazine Board of Scholars, 1992–

15. Board of Editors, Journal Violence Against Women, 1996-99.

16. Board of Editors, Journal Expedition, 1996-1998.

17. Fulbright Scholar, Fall 2001, St. Petersburg, Russia.



1. Anthropology and the Public Interest: Fieldwork and Theory.
Editor. Academic Press, New York, 1976. Edited book growing out of Conference held in October 1973 in Philadelphia and funded by the Mathematical Social Science Board.

2. Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of Sexual Inequality.
Cambridge University Press, New York, 1981. [Poder Feminino y Dominio Masculino. Editorial Mitre de Barcelona. Spanish Language Edition]

3. Divine Hunger: Cannibalism as a Cultural System.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986. [Seikyu-sha, Ltd. Japanese language edition] [CCTP Chinese Language Edition]

4. Beyond the Second Sex. (edited with Ruth Gallagher Goodenough)
University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.

5. Fraternity Gang Rape: Sex, Brotherhood and Privilege on Campus.
New York University Press, 1990.  (Revised edition with new Preface and Afterword: 2007)

6. A Woman Scorned: Acquaintance Rape on Trial.
New York: Doubleday, 1996. Paperback Edition. Berkeley:University of California Press, 1997. (Revised edition with Afterword: 2007)

7. Women at the Center: Life in a Modern Matriarchy. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2002.

8. Aboriginal Paintings of the Wolfe Creek Crater: Track of the Rainbow Serpent. [Dreamtime stories of the creation and meaning of the Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater in Australia’s Western Desert is told here through stories and paintings by some of the Aboriginal “Owners of the Crater.” ] Published by University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. 2007.


1974–Female Status in the Public Domain, in Woman, Culture and Society, Michelle Z. Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, (eds.) Stanford University Press.

1973–Toward a Theory of the Status of Women, American Anthropologist, October 1973, Vol. 75, No. 5:1682-1700.

1980–Margaret Mead’s View of Sex Roles in her Own and Other Societies, American Anthropologist, June 1980. Vol. 82, No. 2:340-48.

1982–The Socio-Cultural Context of Rape, in Journal of Social Issues, 1982, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 5-27. Reprinted in New Society (British Journal) September 1982, pp. 540-542. Reprinted in The Australian, December 1982.

1987–“Adat and Weaving in West Sumatra,” Expedition, Fall 1987. University Museum, Philadelphia, PA. 19104. (with Suwati Kartiwa)

1986–“Rape and the Silencing of the Feminine,” in Rape edited by Sylvana Tomaselli and Roy Porter, pp. 84-101. 1986, Basil Blackwell.

1988–“The Reproduction of Patriarchy in Feminist Anthropology,” in Feminist Thought and the Structure of Knowledge, Mary McCanney Gergen, Editor, pp. 60-68. New York: New York University Press, 1988.

1990–“Androcentric and Matrifocal Gender Representations in Minangkabau Ideology,” in Beyond the Second Sex, edited by Peggy R. Sanday and Ruth Gallagher Goodenough. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1990.

1993–Rape Discourse in Press Coverage of Sex Crimes, Review, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 91, No. 6, 1993:1414-1421.

1996–Rape-prone versus Rape-free Campus Environments, in Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal. Vol. 2, No.2, June 1996 191-208.

1996–A Discourse-Centered Approach to the Study of Human Sexuality. Keynote Address presented at Second Annual Rutgers Anthropology Graduate Student Conference, Contemplating Sex, March 23, 1996. Published in Crosscurrents: The Journal of Graduate Research in Anthropology, Vol. VIII, Autumn, 1996.

1997–Fruit of the Motherland: Expanding the Feminist Debate. Pacific Studies. Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.105-113.

1997–Eggi’s Village:Reconsidering the Meaning of Matriarchy. Expedition. Vol. 39, No. 3, pp. 27-36.

2002–Going Home: An Anthropological Memoir.  General Anthropology: Bulletin of the General Anthropology Division, American Anthropological Association, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp.1, 5-6,  September 2010.

2008–“Matriarchy.”  The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History.  Oxford University Press.


1971–Subcultural Variations in an Urban Poor Population, American Anthropologist 73:128-142 (1971). Reprinted in Volume 111 of Educating the Disadvantaged, Russell C. Doll and Maxine Hawkins (Eds.), AMS Press, Inc., (1971), (with Norman J. Johnson).

1971–Analysis of the Psychological Reality of American-English Kin Terms in an Urban poverty Environment, American Anthropologist 73:555-570, (1971).

1971–Genetic and Environmental Components of Differential Intelligence, in Race and Intelligence, C. Loring Brace, George R. Gamble, and James T. Bond (eds.), Anthropological Studies, No. 8, 58-63, (1971), (with Thomas Gregg).

1972–A model for the Analysis of Variation in Measured Intelligence Between Groups, in Mental Tests and Cultural Adaptation, Lee Cronbach and Pieter Drenth (eds.), Mouton Press, the Hague, 1972. Paper presented at the NATO Conference on Cultural Factors in Mental Test Development, Application and Interpretation, Istanbul, Turkey, July 19- 25, 1971.

1972–An Alternative Interpretation of the Relationship Between Heredity, Environment, Race and I.Q., Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 54, No. 4, December 1972, pp. 25-54.

1975–On the Causes of I.Q. Differences Between Groups and Implications for Social Policy, Human Organization, Winter 1972, Vol. 31;411-424. Reprinted in Race and IQ, Ashley Montagu (ed.) Oxford University Press, New York, 1975, pp. 220-51.

1972–The Relevance of Anthropology to U.S. Social Policy, Newsletter of Council on Anthropology and Education, Vol. 111, no. 3:1-8, November 1972.

1976–Emerging Methodological Developments for Research Design, Data Collection, and Data Analysis in Anthropology and Education, in The Anthropological Study of Education, Craig J. Calhoun and Francis A.J. Ianni, (eds.) Mouton Publishers, The Hague, 1976, pp. 173-87.

1976–Cultural and Structural Pluralism in the U.S., in Anthropology and the Public Interest: Field Work and Theory, Peggy Reeves Sanday (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1976.

1976–Dropping Out: A Strategy for Coping with Cultural Pluralism, in Anthropology and the Public Interest: Field Work and Theory, Peggy Reeves Sanday (ed.), Academic Press, New York, 1976 (with Evelyn Jacob).

1976–The Cultural Context of American Education, in Anthropology and the Public Interest: Field Work and Theory, Peggy Reeves Sanday (ed.), Academic Press, New York 1976 (with Anthony E. Boardman and Otto A. Davis).

2004–Public Interest Anthropology: A Boasian Service-Learning Initiative. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning. Vol. 10 Number 3, Summer, pp. 64-75. (with Karl Jannowitz).


1966–Factors and Clusters of Kin Avoidances and Related Variables, Current Anthropology 7:169-176 (1966). Reprinted in Explorations in Mathematical Anthropology, Paul Kay (Ed.) MIT Press, (1971), (with Harold E. Driver.)

1971–On the Numerical Classification of Nominal Data, in Explorations in Mathematical Anthropology, Paul Kay (Ed.), MIT Press, (1971), (with Giandomenico Majone).

1968–The “Psychological Reality” of American-English Kinship Terms: An Information-Processing Approach, American Anthropologist 70:508-23, (1968).

1973–A Simultaneous Equations Model of the Education Process: The Coleman Data Revisited with an Emphasis on Achievement, in Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, 1973 (with Anthony E. Boardman and Otto A. Davis.)

1973–An Econometric Model for Estimating I.Q. Scores and Environmental Influences on the Pattern of I.Q. Scores Over Time, in Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section, 1973 (with Joseph B. Kadane, Timothy McGuire and Richard Staelin).

1976–A Simultaneous Equations Model of the Education Process, Journal of Public Economics Fall 1976 (with Anthony E. Boardman and Otto A. Davis).

1976–A Diffusion Model for the Study of the Cultural Determinants of Differential Intelligence. Final Report submitted to the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, National Institute of Education.

1976–Models of Environmental Effects on the Development of IQ, Journal of Educational Statistics, October 1976 (with Joseph B. Kadane, Timothy W. McGuire and Richard Staelin).

1977–Estimation of Environmental Effects on the Pattern of IQ Scores Over Time, in Latent Variables in Socioeconomic Models, D.J. Aigner and A.S. Goldberger (eds.), North- Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1977 (with Joseph B. Kadane, Timothy W. McGuire and Richard Staelin).

1979–The Present Uses of Anthropology: An Overview, in The Uses of Anthropology, edited by Walter Goldschmidt. A special publication of the American Anthropological Association, No. 11, 1979 (with Walter Goldschmidt).

1979–The Ethnographic Paradigm(s), Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 24 December 1979, pp. 527-538.

1988–Toward Thick Comparison and a Theory of Self-Awareness, in George Peter Murdock: Retrospective Assessment. Edited by Ward H. Goodenough, Behavior Science Research, 1988:82-96.

1994–“Trapped in a Metaphor,” [Sumposium Comment on James Q. Wilson’s The Moral Sense] Criminal Justice Ethics, Vol. 13/No.2, pp.32-38.


Recipient of the 1983 Humanitarian Award in the field of Research for research on “rape-free vs. rape prone societies” conferred by the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Against Women, November 13, 1983.

Articles in the popular press and magazines that discuss my work have appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Science 82, Ms. Magazine, Redbook, Sojourner’s Magazine, New York Times, Time, and numerous newspapers throughout the U.S. and in other countries. The British journal New Society printed one of my articles which was also reprinted in The Australian, Australia’s largest national daily.

Selected by Philadelphia Magazine as one of the “85 People to Watch in 1985.”

Recipient of Award from Philadelphia Women’s Way (Powerful Voices for Women), 1991.

Fulbright Scholar, Fall 2001.

Awarded R. Jean Brownlee Endowed Term Chair, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, 2001-2006.

Awarded the American Anthropological Association’s Committee on Gender Equity Award in Anthropology (CoGEA) Award for 2015.