The AMP was developed by Mark Bookman and Alice McGrath as a tool for collecting and displaying information about the accessibility of physical spaces on college and university campuses. It is not an official product of the University of Pennsylvania and is in no way affiliated.
Accuracy and Validity
The AMP is a crowdsourced tool, and the data it displays may be incomplete or inaccurate. Please be advised and use with caution.
Although the AMP is open to the public and free to use, we reserve the right to modify or delete data that impedes the mission of the AMP.
We strive to be transparent and provide access to all components of the AMP. Exportable data sets may be found on our GitHub page here.
Inspiration for the AMP has come from a number of sources, including “Mapping Access,” a project by the Critical Design Lab at Vanderbilt University, “Project Sidewalk,” a project by the Makeability Lab at the University of Maryland, “Wheelmap.org,” a project by Sozialhelden e.V, any many others. We are extremely grateful to the individuals behind these projects for their tireless efforts to create an accessible society.