Future travel

    • September 2024. Clay research conference: P=W in in nonabelian Hodge theory. University of Oxford.
    • July 2024. Simons Summer Math Workshop: Moduli. Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (Stony Brook).


Invited talks

    • May 2024. Ecole Polytechnique. Workshop: New advances on the Dolbeault moduli spaces.
    • April 2024. Stony Brook University. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • January 2024. Joint Math Meetings (AMS Special session on Derived Categories, Arithmetic and Geometry). San Francisco.
    • December 2023. Seminari de Geometria Algebraica. University of Barcelona.
    • October 2023. AGNES Conference. University of Pennsylvania.
    • October 2023. University of Pennsylvania. Math-Physics Joint Seminar.
    • July 2023. University of Nottingham. Algebraic geometry seminar (virtual).
    • July 2023. University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto. ISAAC 2023 (complex geometry session).
    • July 2023. Radboud University Nijmegen. Motives in moduli and representation theory (conference).
    • April 2023. University of Pittsburgh. Algebra, Combinatorics, and Geometry Seminar.
    • January 2023. Goethe Universitat Frankfurt. Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie.
    • December 2022. University of Pennsylvania. Math-Physics Joint Seminar.
    • August 2022. SwissMAP research station in Les Diablerets. Workshop: Gauged maps, vortices and their moduli.
    • May 2022. University of Washington. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • March 2022. Princeton University. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • March 2022. University of Georgia. Algebraic Geometry Seminar (virtual).
    • February 2022. Columbia University. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • February 2022. University of Utah. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • February 2022. Stony Brook University. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • January 2022. UC Santa Barbara. Seminar on Geometry and Arithmetic (virtual).
    • January 2022. Ohio State University. Arithmetic Geometry Seminar.
    • January 2022. University of Michigan. Algebraic Geometry Seminar.
    • November 2021. Pennsylvania State University. Algebra and Number Theory Seminar.
    • October 2021. University of Pennsylvania. Math-Physics Joint Seminar.
    • October 2021. University of Notre Dame. Algebraic Geometry and Commutative Algebra Seminar.
    • June 2021. ICMAT. Geometry Seminar (virtual).
    • April 2021. Department Colloquium (virtual). University of Massachusetts Boston.

Past conferences attended

    • March 2024. AIM workshop: Degree d points on algebraic surfaces. Pasadena.
    • January 2024. Winter school on new applications of mixed Hodge modules. Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (Stony Brook).
    • October 2023. AGNES Conference. University of Pennsylvania.
    • August 2023. VBAC-Recent applications to the geometry of moduli spaces. Essen.
    • August 2023. Summer school: Higher Structures in Algebra and Geometry. Sophus Lie conference center (Nordfjordeid, Norway).
    • July 2023. Derived Categories, Moduli Spaces and Counting Invariants. Imperial College (London).
    • June 2023. Emergent Geometries from Strings and Quantum Fields (Supergeometry week). Galileo Galilei Institute (Florence).
    • June 2023. MRC: Derived Categories, Arithmetic and Geometry. Java Center.
    • April 2023. AGNES Conference. Stony Brook University.
    • April 2023. Workshop: Categorical methods in moduli theory. University of Pennsylvania.
    • February 2023. AIM Workshop: Moduli problems beyond geometric invariant theory. American Institute of Mathematics. San Jose.
    • November 2022. AGNES Conference. UMass Amherst.
    • August 2022. Workshop: Gauged maps, vortices and their moduli. SwissMAP research station. Les Diablerets.
    • August 2022. AGNES Summer school on Higher Dimensional Moduli. Brown University. Providence.
    • August 2022. FRG Workshop: Derived categories, moduli spaces and hyperkahler varieties. University of Michigan.
    • July 2022. VBAC 2022: Moduli spaces and vector bundles- New trends. University of Warwick.
    • June 2022. Recent advances in classical algebraic geeometry. Krakow.
    • June 2022. CATS60 (in honor of Carlos Simpson’s 60th birthday). Toulouse.
    • June 2022. Geometric structures (re)united: Higgs bundles, geometric structures and character varieties. University of Illinois at Chicago.
    • May 2022. FRG Workshop: Derived categories and moduli spaces. Cornell University.
    • November 2021. Route 81 Conference. (Online).
    • October 2021. AGNES Showcase. (Online).
    • September 2021. Lukecin school: K3 categories and hyperkahler moduli spaces.. (Online).
    • January 2021. AIM Workshop: Moduli problems beyond geometric invariant theory. American Institute of Mathematics.(Online).
    • April 2019. Hot Topics Workshop: Recent progress in Langlands Program. MSRI.
    • March 2019. Arizona Winter School 2019: Topology and arithmetic.The Southwestern Center for Arithmetic Geometry.
    • January 2019. Winter School “Trace functions and their applications. Congressi Stefano Franscini (ETH Zurich).
    • June 2018. L-functions: Open Problems and Current Methods. Hausdorff Center for Mathematics.
    • June 2018. Algebraic Groups and Geometrization of the Langlands Program. ENS Lyon.
    • March 2018. Arizona Winter School 2018: Iwasawa Theory. The Southwestern Center for Arithmetic Geometry.
    • February 2018. Winter School and Workshop “Riemann Hilbert Correspondences”. Universita di Padova.