Senior Manager of Podcast Growth, Condé Nast
New York, NY
Biology Major
I actually entered Penn wanting to pursue just pure STEM, wanting to do pre-med and then follow that track. I’ve always been very passionate about health tech and healthcare, but it just felt like that was the thing I was expected to do. As I went through the experience at Penn, taking classes ranging from the core organic chemistries and biologies of the world to all of our sector requirements and the writing requirements, I got a chance to learn about how many different topics I am interested in. I realized that I didn’t want to just stick with one core profession.
I wish I had someone explain that to me when I started, to just say, “You will get through this and you will achieve incredible things because you’re around some of the most bright minds.”
I also spent time through clubs and organizations confirming that I was interested in more of the business side. I was a part of the Penn Undergrad Biotech Society. I was a clinic volunteer for a United Community Clinic. One of my most impactful experiences was being a part of Penn Masala, the South Asian a capella group. I was able to think a lot about audience development and how to build out those users and how we could market effectively.
I’m so excited that I get to run the gamut of more technical and development focused work. I can do growth and marketing, I can also spend time on design and creative and strategy. That’s something that I felt so fortunate to have in a role like mine.
Your freshman year is challenging and its only more challenging right now in a remote world, but you were chosen by Penn for a reason. You are brilliant and you’re also really adaptable and a capable person. I wish I had someone explain that to me when I started, to just say, “You will get through this and you will achieve incredible things because you’re around some of the brightest minds.” My freshman year self would be really proud. They would definitely be a bit surprised, just to understand how the path wound to where I am now. — August 27, 2020