Be Wise-Be Well Interview#3

Intergenerational Discussions Surrounding Health, Community, & Life                           

On March 15th, Sanna and Matisyn met with Ms. Jessie Howard from the West Philadelphia Senior Community Center. Ms. Jessie Howard is 81 years old and she has been a long time resident in Philadelphia for 79 yers. She grew up in North Philadelphia and experienced schooling in both the catholic and public school environment. She has always been focused on success and she began studying social work but ended up taking a position in the Philadelphia Banking system, doing check processing, data entry, and she retired from The Federal Reserve Bank.

Ms. Jessie enjoys cooking and her favorite food is cinnamon raisin oatmeal which she has every morning and she often enjoys delicious dinners combinations with baked chicken, salmon and oxtail with vegetables such as string beans and cabbage. Ms. Jessie once suffered from serious health and weight management issues so she had to exercise and loose weight. Because of these positive changes and her participation in Ms. Lynns healthy cooking class she has reached optimal health goals.

Ms. Jessie, leans heavily into her faith to find peace, and spends a lot of time participating in church activities and sometimes she finds peace right at home in the quiet. Ms. Jessie also loves going on trips with the Senior Center. She is grateful to be living and loves inspiring her 19 grandchildren to succeed, and stick to their goals.

Take away message: “Stay in School. Study. Whatever your dreams are stick with it, dreams do come true”

Stay Tuned-Full interview video coming soon!

~Emilia Onuonga, University of Pennsylvania ’23

Be Wise-Be Well Interview#2

Intergenerational Discussions Surrounding Health, Community, & Life

On February 16th, Ms. Barbara discussed her revived approach to health as she returned from two strokes last year. Since 1956, Ms. Barbara has lived in Philadelphia and sees the value in individual responsibility in improving the community. “As for what the community needs, it needs a lot of forgiveness.” Ms. Barbara finds immense joy and peace in her faith and hopes that Philadelphians can also find inner peace.

Ms. Barbara ensures her food palette is vibrant and nutritious. She was even a vegetarian for a long time due to animal rights concerns. While she is no longer a strict vegetarian, she values the nutrition of fruits and vegetables. As she grew older, Ms.Barbara dietary needs and habits changed. She learned to eat in portions and be more cautious of what was going into her body. Ms. Barbara urges the younger kids in this generation to be aware of what is going into their foods and she wants them to know the functions of each ingredient. 

Today, Ms. Barbara enjoys going to Farmer’s Market and occasionally eating out to learn about different cuisines. Unable to distinguish a favorite food, Ms. Barbara remarked that she appreciated each food due to its unique benefits.  

Take away quote: “As for what the community needs, it needs a lot of forgiveness.”

Stay Tuned-Full interview video coming soon!

~Emilia Onuonga, University of Pennsylvania ’23

Be Wise-Be Well Interview#1

Intergenerational Discussions Surrounding Health, Community, & Life                           

On February 1, 12th graders Sanna Gilyard and Anaya Thomas met with Ms. Sudell Cirwithen from the West Philadelphia Senior Community Center. Ms. Sudell loves writing, singing and being a positive role model for young people. Her warm energy resonated with the local 12th graders, and she felt comfortable showing everyone her singing. The three individuals talked about healthy eating, community, and life. For Ms. Sudell, healthy eating meant having a balanced meal that consisted of meat, starch, and vegetables. Ms.Sudell encourages individuals to cook more at home as a healthy eating tip because it’s a more nutritious and financially savvy option. At 82, Ms.Sudell would love to explore being more creative. Her interests in drawing and art resonated with the 12th graders as they both agreed on their love for the arts. Regarding life tips, Ms. Sudell reflected on her isolated life in South Carolina but appreciated her time as it made her more appreciative of life. Her advice for the youth and motto in life is to keep a “Head Up, Pray Up, and Focus on what you’re doing!”

Take Away Quote: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”

Stay Tuned-Full interview video coming soon!

~Emilia Onuonga, University of Pennsylvania ’23

AUNI/ABCS Health & Wellness Blog 2023

Greetings Everyone!

Check out the progress! Scholars from Ms.Tosto’s health and wellness class had an opportunity to engage in several activities related to becoming agents of change within their school community.

The group explored Dimensions of Wellness while contributing to the HSOTF- Health and Wellness Blog Vol. 2., and they explored the importance of storytelling and learning across generations through the “Be-Wise, Be-Well” project.

The Vlog interviews, summaries and newsletter submissions were created in collaboration with HSOTF’s Athletic Director, Jessica Tosto, Netter/UACS/AUNI Nutrition Education Coordinators, Sophia Canady and Lynn McCullough, Nutrition Systems Manager, Maris Altieri, and UPENN Media Assistant, Emily Onuonga. The following scholars also made a huge contribution as media assistants and interviewers: Sanna Gilyard, Aniya Thomas, Matysin Allen, and Jasir Phillips. Special shout out to Ms. Sudell, Ms. Barbra and Ms. Jessie from the West Philadelphia Senior Community Center for sharing Philadelphia’s rich history, and their perspective on nutrition, health and life.

It’s been a special journey and we thank Principal Smith, the School District of Philadelphia, The West Philadelphia Senior Community Center and the Netter Center for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania for making this project a success.

AUNI/ABCS Health & Wellness Blog 2022

WEEK TWO: Financial Wellness

During week two, our goal was to highlight the importance of financial wellness. The youth were taught what financial wellness is, and how they can achieve this category of wellness on a regular basis.

Some of the ways the kids were taught to promote their financial wellness included spending time volunteering, saving money, aspiring towards a career, and more. The students were then posed with three questions to answer to assess their understanding of financial wellness, and they were asked to ask a caregiver these questions as well and record both answers. Below is a summary of how the kids responded to each question, and what they seemed to have taken away this session.

Question One: The first question we posed was: “Have you ever been a volunteer? What skills did you learn?” The answers varied from the kids volunteering in libraries and community centers, to have no experience at all. The kids who have volunteered emphasized that they learned important skills while volunteering, such as organization. The kids who volunteered also noted that they learned it is important to volunteer and give back.

Question Two: The second question we posed was: “What do you want to save money for when you grow up?” The children had varying answers for themselves. The most universal answers that were noted by the kids included saving for a house, car, and education. Some kids said that they wanted to save money just to always have access to money. The caregivers also gave practical answers like “homes” and “vacations”. The goal of this question was to teach the kids that it is crucial to save some of your money because you will always have a purchase you want to make, even later on in life.

~Emily Milgrim, University Of Pennsylvania ‘25

AUNI/ABCS Health & Wellness Blog 2022


Goals From Week One: During week one, our goal was to illuminate the importance of intellectual wellness. So, the children were taught what intellectual wellness is, and how they can achieve this category of wellness on a regular basis. Some of the ways the kids were taught to promote their intellectual wellness was by picking up a hobby, traveling to new places, reading for fun, learning about a different language, and more. The kids were then posed with three questions to answer to assess their understanding of intellectual wellness, and they were asked to ask a caregiver these questions as well and record both answers. Below is a summary of how the kids responded to each question, and what they seemed to have taken away from the first successful session of the year!

Question One: The first question we posed was: “What are your hobbies? What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Or what do you wish you had time to do?” The kids’ answers for this question ranged from coloring, to watching TV, to cooking, to playing sports, and more. They also recorded a caregiver’s answer which hopefully encouraged them to see the importance of carving time out for hobbies.

Question Two: The second question we posed was: “Do you imagine yourself traveling to distant places? Have you taken a trip recently and/or do you look forward to future travels?” The children had varying answers for themselves. Some noted they have traveled before and look forward to traveling again, noting special recent trips like beach vacations. Many students noted that they would like to travel to new, foreign destinations like Mexico, Thailand, and more. The kids were able to share their travel goals and acknowledge the role traveling plays in their lives.

Question Three: The third question we posed was: “Why do you think it’s important to be open minded?” This question was more philosophical and open-ended, making it slightly tricker for the kids to answer. The overarching theme from the kids’ answers was that it is important to be open minded because you can learn new opinions and perspectives from other people that you may not have thought of. Many noted that this allows you to learn something new and may encourage you to try something a new way. Overall, while this question was ticky, many students were able to grasp the concept of open-mindedness.

~ Emily Milgrim, University Of Pennsylvania ‘25


Physical Wellness

What Is Physical Wellness? Physical wellness is all about maintaining a healthy physical state and involves our ability to perform physically demanding activities. It promotes taking care of our bodies by eating healthy and working out and encourages us to listen to our bodies to reduce our chances of developing illnesses or injuries and achieve optimal health. We only have one body, so it is important to appreciate it and recognize how crucial it is for us to care for and strengthen ourselves!

Did you know…

  • Exercise is associated with improvements in brain performance! Cardiovascular exercises, such as running helps form new brain cells, enhancing brainpower!
  • Exercising increases productivity due to the extra endorphins released!
  • Exercising 3 times a week for 45 mins can help slow down the aging process and keep you looking youthful for longer!

Check out these awesome ways to foster physical wellness:

  • Watching what we put into our bodies! Food is fuel, so it important to provide our bodies with healthy and nutritious foods to keep us going throughout the day!
  • Exercising! Exercising is shown to prevent health problems, boost energy, reduce stress, and strengthen us, so try to aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily! Also, physical activity doesn’t only mean running! Go take a walk around the park, play soccer with your friends, or even play with your dog!
  • Building healthy habits! Although any step in the right direction is amazing progress, it is important to try to build lifelong habits! In addition to eating right and staying active, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and working towards ending any unhealthy relationships/behaviors can help our bodies feel better and physically well!

What the students had to say: To gather opinions and information for this article, we collected responses regarding physical wellness from local high school seniors. When asked about physical activity the students believe that they are leading active and healthy lifestyles while some admitted to needing improvement and encouragement to join active school sports like basketball, lacrosse or cheerleading instead of the very popular gaming club. The students who were not involved in after-school extracurriculars expressed their love for dancing which has grown to tremendous popularity on social media and it’s great because dance or any movement including bike riding counts as long as it’s moderate to vigorous activity. The students also believe in the importance of sleep although they admit to not actually getting enough rest due to phone activity or too much on the mind.

Contributors: Health & Wellness 2nd PD


Environmental Wellness

What Is Environmental Wellness? Environmental wellness is all about being aware of your physical surroundings, whether at home or out in nature. It involves your sense of comfort with your environment, and promotes occupying pleasant environments to improve your wellbeing! It also involves establishing a sustainable lifestyle, taking care of the earth, immersing yourself in nature, and much more! When our personal surroundings are clean and taken care of we experience more comfort and less anxiety!

Did you know…

  • Clean environments are associated with better work outcomes! In a study by the Staples Corporation, it was discovered that 94% of workers reported feeling more productive in a clean workspace, while 77% said they felt that they created higher quality products in a cleaner environment.
  • The act of cleaning a room, as well as being in a clean room, are both associated with reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. It also improves concentration and mental clarity.

Check out these awesome ways to foster environmental wellness:

  • Being aware of the impacts you make on the environment. From picking up that piece of trash to choosing a more sustainable method of transport, you are making a contribution to a cleaner earth, and a more pleasant environment for yourself and those around you!
  • Immersing yourself in nature! Studies have shown that being in nature reduces stress for many, and can relieve anxious feelings. With a rise in sedentary lifestyles, it is crucial to go get that breath of fresh air!
  • Eating locally sourced foods! Eating locally ensures that the food you’re consuming hasn’t traveled for miles and miles using fossil fuels that produce immense amounts of greenhouse gases that are detrimental to our environment.

What the students had to say: To gather opinions and information for this article, we collected responses regarding environmental wellness from local high school seniors. When asked about environmental wellness the students expressed that some of their favorite places include the great outdoor parks within the city, the beach, international travels, and anywhere with open space to walk, where birds can be heard and nature can be experienced. They also admire being in their bedrooms to relax, catch up on much needed sleep and to feel at peace. Majority of the students felt passionate about the cleanliness of their home environment and they believe that every individual should chip in to create spaces that they can appreciate and enjoy being in.

Contributors: Health & Wellness 2nd PD
