Microbial Diversity & Pathogenesis (lecture)

(BIOL-375 | lecture | 1 c.u. )
  • course no.: BIOL-375
  • format: lecture
  • credit units: 1
  • requirements fulfilled: BIOL major, elective, research credit, laboratory
  • Prerequisites:
  • offered: Spring Semester

Course description: Microbiology plays a central role in diverse areas of human life such as infectious disease, ecology and biotechnology. This course will cover broad aspects of modern microbiology with an emphasis on prokaryotic organisms. Moreover, scientists from Penn and other institutions will present their research. This lecture course (BIOL 375) runs in parallel with an optional laboratory course (BIOL 376) that also covers a broad range of topics to introduce both fundamental and state-of-the-art microbiological techniques. Combining the practical approaches learned in the lab with theoretical knowledge of the lectures provides a students the opportunity to design original independent research.

Link to syllabus