Email: callem “at” sas “dot” upenn “dot” edu
Office hours: Wednesdays 6p-7p and Fridays 11a-12p in 4C1
Coffee (half) hours: Wednesdays 5:30p-6p and Fridays 10:30a-11a in 4C1
Sections: Tuesdays 7p-9p in DRL 3C2, Thursdays 7p-9p in DRL 3C8
Instructor: Sveta Makarova
Helpful links:
- Math 3700 canvas
- Textbook that I learned about proofs from (and where many of my examples/exercises come from)
- A short guide to LaTeX
- DeTeXify: draw the symbol and this program will suggest the TeX for it!
- Write-up by Keith Conrad about the word problem in group theory
Notes from Recitation:
- Week 1: No recitation
- Week 2: Sets and functions (tues | thurs)
- Week 3: Relations (tues | thurs)
- Week 4: Euclidean algorithm and modular arithmetic (notes)
- Week 5: Binary operations, monoids, intro to groups (notes)
- Week 6: No recitation (midterm 1)
- Week 7: Groups and subgroups (notes)
- Week 8: Group homomorphisms (notes)
- Week 9: Symmetric groups (notes)
- Week 10: No recitation (midterm 2)
- Week 11: Quotient groups and the 1st isomorphism theorem (notes)
- Week 12: Short exact sequences and group presentations (notes)
- Week 13: No recitation (Thanksgiving)
- Week 14: Group actions and the Sylow Theorems (notes)
- Week 15: Introduction to rings (notes)