Language Models and Embeddings

  • Bhatia, S. (2024). Exploring variability in risk taking with large language models. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(7), 1838–1860. [pdf]
  • He, L, Richie, R. & Bhatia, S. (2024). Limitations to optimal search in naturalistic active learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 153(5), 1165-1188. [pdf]
  • Wang, F., He, L., Aka, A., & Bhatia, S. (in press). Memory modeling of counterfactual generation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. (in press). Inductive reasoning in minds and machines. Psychological Review. [pdf]
  • Abdurahman, S., Vu, H., Zou, W., Unger, L. & Bhatia, S. (2024). A deep learning approach to personality assessment: Generalizing across items and expanding the reach of survey-based research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 126(2):312-331. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. & Richie, R. (2024). Transformer networks of human conceptual knowledge. Psychological Review, 131(1), 271-306. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S., & Walasek, L. (2023). Predicting implicit attitudes with natural language data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(25), e2220726120. [pdf]
  • Aka, A., Bhatia, S., & McCoy, J. (2023). Semantic determinants of memorability. Cognition, 239, 105497. [pdf]
  • Richie, R., Aka, A., & Bhatia, S. (2023). Free association in a neural network. Psychological Review, 130(5), 1360–1382. [pdf]
  • Singh, M., Richie, R. & Bhatia, S. (2022). Representing and predicting everyday behavior. Computational Brain & Behavior, 5, 1-21. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S., Olivola, C., Bhatia, N., & Ameen, A. (2022). Predicting leadership perception with large-scale natural language data. Leadership Quarterly. 33(5), 101535. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S., & Aka, A. (2022). Cognitive Modeling With Representations From Large-Scale Digital Data. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 31(3), 207–214. [pdf]
  • Aka, A., & Bhatia, S. (2022). Machine Learning Models for Predicting, Understanding, and Influencing Health Perception. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 7(2), 142-153. [pdf]
  • Gandhi, N., Zou, W., Meyer, C., Bhatia, S., & Walasek, L. (2022). Computational methods for predicting and understanding food judgment. Psychological Science, 33(4), 579-594. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, N. & Bhatia, S. (2021). Changes in gender stereotypes over time: A computational analysis. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 41(1), 106-125. [pdf]
  • Richie, R. & Bhatia, S. (2021). Similarity judgment within and across categories: A comprehensive model comparison. Cognitive Science, 45(8), 13030. [pdf]
  • Zou, W. & Bhatia, S. (2021). Judgment errors in naturalistic numerical estimation. Cognition, 104647. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. (2019). Predicting risk perception: New insights from data science. Management Science, 65, 3800-3823. [pdf]
  • Richie, R., Zou, W., & Bhatia, S. (2019). Predicting high-level human judgment across diverse behavioral domains. Collabra: Psychology. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S., Richie, R, & Zou, W. (2019). Distributed semantic representations for modelling human judgment. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 29, 31-36. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. & Walasek, L. (2019). Association and response accuracy in the wild. Memory & Cognition, 47(2), 292-298. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. (2019). Semantic processes in preferential decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(4), 627-640. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S., Goodwin, G. & Walasek, L. (2018). Trait associations for Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in news media: A computational analysis. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 9(2), 123-130. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. & Stewart, N. (2018). Naturalistic multiattribute choice. Cognition, 179, 71-88. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. (2017). Associative judgment and vector space semantics. Psychological Review, 124(1), 1-20. [pdf]
  • Bhatia, S. (2017). The semantic representation of prejudice and stereotypes. Cognition, 164(1), 46-60. [pdf]