Harmony and Contrast:

Platonism and Aristotelianism in the Renaissance

An international conference, co-organized by Anna Corrias (University College London) and Eva Del Soldato (University of Pennsylvania), co-sponsored by University College London, UPenn (Center for Italian Studies), and the British Academy.

UCL, Gordon Square (25), Room 107
29 June 2018


Photo album

George Karamanolis (Vienna) discussing Pletho and Scholarios with Eva Del Soldato and Jill Kraye (The Warburg Institute)
Eva Del Soldato and Anna Corrias (UCL) introduce the conference
Guido Giglioni (Macerata) introducing Hanna Gentili and Allegra Baggio-Corradi (both from the Warburg Institute)
The organizers, Anna Corrias (UCL) and Eva Del Soldato, before the conference
Eva Del Soldato reads her paper “Comparing Philosophers Within Universities Halls: Vimercato and the Others” (photo: David Wallace)