Independent Study/Honors Thesis Research Guide


The Independent Study (COGS 3999) and Seniors/Honors Thesis (COGS 3998) are designed to provide you with first-hand experience conducting research in cognitive science. Through this intensive research experience, you will gain a deeper understanding of the scientific method, develop essential skills for conducting research in cognitive science, and contribute to the body of scientific knowledge.

Both COGS 3999 and COGS 3998 emphasize the independence of your research experience, although there are several differences. COGS 3999 is usually a one-semester project that can be carried out during any time of your time at Penn. COGS 3998 is typically a year-long project in the senior year, although there have also been one-semester projects. COGS 3999 can be a research project suggested by your supervisor (e.g., a component of an existing project), as long as your independent role in the project is made clear. By contrast, COGS 3998 needs to be a topic of your own initiative, which can of course be developed jointly with your supervisor. In other words, you should have a bigger share of the project “ownership” for COGS 3998 than for COGS 3999. It is often the case that the COGS 3998 project evolves out of a prior COGS 3999 project. You may use up to two research credits towards your concentration.

Your independent study — like the ordinary classes we emphasize — must have a basic science component. It must speak to theories about fundamental issues in cognition; it can not be purely clinical or applied. However, there are sometimes ways to frame more applied or clinical work in basic science terms; faculty advisors can often help you figure out this framing. For example, a past 3999 in the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative investigated online article reading behavior. The initial motivation of this study was purely business — how can websites keep readers around (and therefore maximize their ad revenue, subscriptions, etc.). However, it turned out the study also had implications for a theory of how people navigate exploration-exploitation tradeoffs, a fundamental and widespread problem in cognition and behavior.

Course Structure

During COGS 3999 or 3998 you will read relevant research, formulate a hypothesis, collect data investigating this hypothesis, then analyze and report these data.

You must have a faculty member as the supervisor, with whom you develop the project together, including a research plan. It is of course allowed, and in fact encouraged, to work with other members of your research group, including graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. But the faculty member is ultimately responsible for your research project and evaluation.

A course worth one credit unit at Penn, on average, is expected to demand 10 hours per week of a student’s time. You are thus expected to spend a total of 10 hours per week on activities related to research. How you spend these 10 hours will vary week to week according to the needs of the project, but may include time spent in the laboratory (e.g., collecting and analyzing data) or out of the laboratory (e.g., library work, writing, programming).

You are expected to stay in contact with your research supervisor on a regular basis. It is typical to hold weekly meetings with the supervising faculty member, for both COGS 3999 and COGS 3998.

Research Plan

A research plan (3-4 pages) must be developed in collaboration with your supervisor. After they have approved your proposal, it should be submitted to the Program Director and Associate Director, with your supervisor CC’d, at least 5 days before the “add” deadline at the beginning of each semester in order to register for COGS 3999 and COGS 3998 (a section of 3999 or 3998 will be created specifically for you).

The plan will consist of:

  • A statement of the research project. This is the most important part and includes these sub-parts:
    • A brief title for your project
    • A brief review of the literature on your topic, complete with in-text citations (which should be in your references section later in the proposal)
    • Identification of the gap in this literature that your proposed project will fill
    • Statement of the specific research questions/hypotheses you wish to study
    • Explanation of how your study(s) will answer/test those questions/hypotheses
    • The project’s relevance to the study of cognition
    • The expected outcome of the project
  • The required skill sets and experience for the project and the student’s qualification
  • The role of the student in the project, focusing on his/her independent efforts
  • References cited in your proposal, and any other reading materials required for your research
  • A timeline of the project (by month or ideally week)
  • For COGS 3998 only: an indication of whether the project will last one or two semesters, which influences reporting requirements at the end of the first semester (see below)

Good proposals usually take weeks, months, or even years of planning, preparation, prior work. Good proposals rarely come after deciding on the first day of the semester that you want to do an independent study or senior thesis, reaching out to a PI, meeting with them days later, and creating a project in less than 10 days. Therefore, if you are considering doing an independent study or thesis, we suggest thinking about it and contacting a PI at least a semester (or summer) before you wish to actually conduct it! It is also perfectly acceptable — and even advisable! — to briefly run your project idea by the program or associate director before drafting a complete proposal, to ensure that your project is suitable.

Bear in mind that the Program and Associate Directors are probably not experts in the subfield of cognitive science that you propose studying. This means you should explain unconventional tasks, analyses, concepts, etc., so that we can better evaluate your proposal.

Below are examples of plans that were approved:


For COGS 3999, a research report is required. A letter grade will be assigned at the end of the semester.

For COGS 3998, a thesis must be approved by the supervisor and then submitted to the Program Director and Associate Director at its conclusion. A letter grade will be determined by the supervisor. For year-long project, a report is not required for the first semester, although that is at the discretion of the supervisor. A letter grade is still required to assess the progress of the project.

In both cases, a research report will have the following structure:

  • literature review
  • statement of hypothesis
  • description of data collection methods
  • presentation of results with descriptive and inferential statistical analyses (with supporting tables and/or graphs as needed)
  • discussion of the interpretation and implications of findings
  • a list of cited works
  • an appendix with supplementary materials (if appropriate)

COGS 398/3998 theses are eligible for the annual College Alumni Society Prize for Research in Cognitive Science. Because the deadline of the competition is early April in order for the winner’s name to be printed on the commencement program, those who wish to be considered for this Prize need to submit a preliminary draft of the thesis to the Program Director and Associate Director by the end of March.

Code of Academic Integrity

It is your responsibility to ensure your behavior does not violate the Code of Academic Integrity. You must observe the policies regarding various forms of academic dishonesty. The following statement about academic dishonesty has been provided by the University of Pennsylvania: “Activities that have the effect or intention of interfering with education, pursuit of knowledge, or fair evaluation of a student’s performance are prohibited.” Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and may be handled by the Office of Student Conduct. More information on academic integrity is available here.

Work-study and Double-counting Issues

A student cannot receive course credit for work done for pay. If a student is employed in a lab (including work-study positions), there must be a clear distinction between work that is being done to earn money and research that is part of an independent study project.

Some students complete two related majors, each of which has a research/thesis requirement. If a student is in this situation, s/he cannot have a single project count for both requirements. The student is allowed to complete both projects in the same lab, but there must be two distinct projects.