Park, S., B.A. Langellier, R.E. Burke, J.F. Figueroa, and N.B. Coe. 2021. “Association of Medicare Advantage Penetration with Per Capita Spending, Emergency Department Visits, and Readmission Rates among Fee-for-Service Medicare Beneficiaries with High Comorbidity Burden.” Medical Care Research and Review 78(6):703-712.
White, L., B. Ingraham, E. Larson, P. Fishman, S. Park, and N.B. Coe. 2021. “Observational Study of Patient Characteristics Associated with a Timely Diagnosis of Dementia and Mild Cognitive Impairment without Dementia.” Journal of General Internal Medicine. Forthcoming.
Fishman, P.A., L. White, B. Ingraham, S. Park, E.B. Larson, P. Crane, and N.B. Coe. 2020. “Health Care Costs of Alzheimer and Related Dementias within a Medicare Managed Care Provider.” Medical Care 58(9):833-841.
Park, S., E.B. Larson, P. Fishman, L. White, and N.B. Coe. 2020. “Differences in Health Care Utilization, Process of Diabetes Care, Care Satisfaction, and Health Status in Patients with Diabetes in Medicare Advantage Versus Traditional Medicare.” Medical Care 58(11):1004-1012. PMCID: PMC7572707.
Park, S., J.F. Figueroa, P. Fishman, and N.B. Coe. 2020. “Primary Care Utilization and Expenditures in Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, 2007–2016.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 35(8):2480-2481. PMCID: PMC7403260.
Park, S., L. White, P. Fishman, E.B. Larson, and N.B. Coe. 2020. “Health Care Utilization, Care Satisfaction, and Health Status for Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare Beneficiaries with and without Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias.” JAMA Network Open 3(3):e201809. PMCID: PMC7485599.
White, L., P.A. Fishman, A. Basu, P.K. Crane, E.B. Larson, and N.B. Coe. 2020. “Dementia Is Associated with Earlier Mortality for Men and Not Women in the United States.” Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine 6:2333721420945922. PMCID: PMC7444147.
Khandelwal, N., L. White, J.R. Curtis, and N.B. Coe. 2019. “Health Insurance and out-of-Pocket Costs in the Last Year of Life among Decedents Utilizing the ICU.” Critical Care Medicine 47(6):749-756. PMCID: PMC6522316.
Park, S., P. Fishman, L. White, E.B. Larson, and N.B. Coe. 2019. “Disease-Specific Plan Switching between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage.” Kaiser Permanente Journal 24. PMCID: PMC6907897.
Coe, N.B., M.M. Skira, and E.B. Larson. 2018. “A Comprehensive Measure of the Costs of Caring for a Parent: Differences According to Functional Status.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 66(10):2003-2008. PMCID: PMC6181761.