Lab Director

Daniel P. Moriarity, PhD
Dr. Daniel Moriarity is an Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology in University of Pennsylvania’s Psychology Department, with a particular interest in immunopsychiatry, psychiatric phenotyping, and methodological reform in biological psychiatry.
Dr. Moriarity received his B.A. in Psychology from Elmira College in 2014. After graduation, he completed a post-baccalaureate research assistantship with Dr. Andres De Los Reyes at University of Maryland, College Park, where he learned about the complexities of merging multiple data streams when making analytic and diagnostic decisions. He received his PhD in clinical psychology from Temple University in 2022. He completed his doctorate in Dr. Lauren Alloy’s lab, where he developed expertise in affective psychopathology, cognitive vulnerabilities, and psychoneuroimmunology. As part of his PhD training, he completed concentrations in Quantitative Methods and Developmental Psychopathology. Clinically, he developed expertise in working with patients with chronic medical conditions (e.g., HIV), LGBTQ+ identifying individuals, and personality/interpersonal disorders. He completed a pre-doctoral internship at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School in their Behavioral Health Partial Hospital Program. Prior to starting the Precision Psychopathology and Dynamic Immunopsychiatry Lab at UPenn, he completed a postdoctoral fellowship at UCLA in Dr. George Slavich’s lab gaining experience on precision clinical trials, social determinants of immune functioning, and stress. During this time, he also had visiting postdoctoral status at Stanford University, where he was mentored by Dr. Michael Snyder in the Genetics Department to learn about multiomics and precision medicine.
Dr. Moriarity’s program of research has been funded by awards such as NIMH-funded F31 and F32 fellowships and an APF Visionary Grant. He has been the principal investigator on studies ranging from acute lab stressors, ecologically valid stress paradigms with intensive longitudinal immune sampling, and clinical trials.
In his free time, he enjoys soccer, weightlifting, mixology, and losing to his wife at Scrabble.
E-mail: dmori AT upenn DOT edu
/For a complete list of publications please see my Google Scholar page.
Lab Coordinator

Andrea Miller, MSc
Andrea Miller holds an M.Sc. in Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health from King’s College London, as well as a B.Sc. and B.Ed. from the University of Toronto. She previously served as project lead and project coordinator at UCLA’s Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, where she gained experience conducting intensive longitudinal studies involving naturalistic stressors, depressive symptoms, menstrual phase, and immune biomarkers.
Andrea’s work is dedicated to investigating depression with greater precision, with an emphasis on the specific roles of ovarian hormones and immune factors. Drawing on over twenty years of experience in education, Andrea now focuses on understanding and educating others about aspects of depression. She is an advocate for women’s mental health and is committed to supporting people with hormone-sensitive mood disorders.
Email: acmm AT upenn DOT edu