Events / Digital Projects with East Asian Data

Digital Projects with East Asian Data

November 16, 2022
10:30 am - 12:00 pm

The Penn Libraries’ Research Data & Digital Scholarship team is collaborating with the Center for Global Collections’ East Asian studies librarians to offer an introduction to East Asian digital humanities (DH) training and projects.

In this context, we define DH broadly as the application of technical tools to humanities (and social sciences) data. The presentation will include three components:

(1) a brief orientation to Getting Started with a Digital Project

(2) a demonstration of DH tools and techniques for Mapping, Text Analysis, Digital Exhibits, and Data Visualization, using beginner-friendly software that does not require any coding;

(3) a demonstration of Python coding of the same techniques.

Project examples and data sets will pertain to East Asian studies and languages. After an hour-long presentation, the Applied Data Science Librarian will be available for answering questions and for consultations on specific projects. Please direct your inquiries to

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