This workshop will provide information and guidance for researchers on the new National Institute of Health (NIH) Data Management & Sharing Policy being implemented on January 25, 2023. Since the University of Pennsylvania is a major recipient of NIH funding, it is vital that UPenn researchers are aware of this upcoming change and know how […]
- From January 1, 2018
- To August 28, 2023
A group that meets to discuss, learn, and collaborate on topics and projects related to mapping, geospatial data processing, visualization, and analysis tools through hands-on tutorials, workshops, and presentations. The group meets in-person in Goldestein Electronic Classroom (Room 114), Van Pelt Library, every 3rd Thursday of the month from 3pm – 5pm. The first hour may […]
PUG@Penn (Python Users Group) brings together members of the Penn community interested in or already working with the popular open-source programming language Python. This drop-in, informal, collaboratively-oriented group meets once per month to experiment and explore the many uses for Python across academic disciplines and industries. All are welcome – no prior experience with Python […]
You know what’s better than learning how to use R? Learning how to use R with other people! Bring your research, dream up a mini project, or learn how to think critically about relevant data with your peers. The R Penn Group (RPG) presented by the Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at Penn Libraries […]
This workshop teaches researchers how to approach writing a data management plan (DMP). After this session, learners will understand the basic requirements of a DMP, understand how to utilize DMPTool to streamline their DMP writing, and recognize on campus data management support. The main audience for this session is researchers who are writing a DMP […]