
  • From January 1, 2018
  • To July 21, 2023

NVivo 2: Exploring Data

September 29, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

You’ve learned the basics of NVivo, but want to do more exploration. Come to this workshop to learn  about code management, cases and classifications, and get started with complex queries. We will also touch on teamwork in NVivo. Prerequisites: Participants need to have attended NVivo 1 workshop or watched the video recording on our NVivo […]

NIH Data Management & Sharing Policy

October 4, 2022
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

This workshop will provide information and guidance for researchers on the new National Institute of Health (NIH) Data Management & Sharing Policy being implemented on January 25, 2023. Since the University of Pennsylvania is a major recipient of NIH funding, it is vital that UPenn researchers are aware of this upcoming change and know how […]

Researchers often need to be able to search a corpus of texts for a defined list of terms and certain places named in a text or texts. This lesson details how to programmatically search documents for a list of terms, including place names and then how to obtain coordinates and map historical place names with […]

Data Ethics and Data Sharing

October 5, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

What are some of the ethical challenges researchers face when choosing to work with data? This session will help you assess the potential benefits and risks of collecting, analyzing, and sharing data and provide you with some practical tools to help you assess data needs and assume an ethical data practice in your next project. Location: online To […]

Drop-in Digital Scholarship Lab

October 6, 2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Don’t know how to get started on a digital scholarship project? Having trouble choosing a tool, method, or library for a data visualization or digital exhibition? Just want some people to code or build with? Drop in to our Thursday open lab! Location: Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center (Room 114)