Don’t know how to get started on a digital scholarship project? Having trouble choosing a tool, method, or library for a data visualization or digital exhibition? Just want some people to code or build with? Drop in to our Thursday open lab! Location: Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center (Room 114)
- From January 1, 2018
- To September 30, 2024
This session will introduce researchers to the types of data available in the Philadelphia Federal Statistical Research Data Center, how to prepare a research proposal to access this data, and how to become a Special Sworn Status Researcher. The talk will be presented by Joe Ballegeer (FSRDC Administrator) and Jeff Lin (FSRDC co-director). This event is part […]
You know what’s better than learning how to use R? Learning how to use R with other people! Bring your research, dream up a mini project, or learn how to think critically about relevant data with your peers. The R Penn Group (RPG) presented by the Research Data & Digital Scholarship team at Penn Libraries […]
This short workshop will introduce humanists to the programming language Python and the numerous possibilities for its use for research in the humanities. No prior programming experience required! Having attended this workshop, participants can expect to be able to: set up a Python coding environment suitable for use with their own computer. recognize potential use […]
Organized by DevLab@Penn/PDRI and co-sponsored by Perry World House, USAID’s Center for Democracy, Human Rights and Governance, USAID’s Innovation, Technology, and Research (ITR) Hub and Penn SAS’ Data Driven Discovery Initiative this event will convene an excellent group of academics and practitioners to discuss the current state of big data and machine learning in the […]