Indigenous and Megarian Relations in Megara Hyblaea

Indigenous and Megarian Relations in Megara Hyblaea
Genevieve Meyers
Megara Hyblaea is often hailed as the Greek colonial archetype of the ideal relationship with indigenous populations. In many ways, this is true. Megara Hyblaea is one of the first examples of a Greek colony founded by invitation of the local people rather than established by force. There can be no doubt that colonists interacted peacefully with the indigenous Sicles. However, to champion Megara Hyblaea as one of the few prime examples of “good relations” with native people is misleading.

Seismic Activity in Campania Throughout 62-79 C.E. and the Archaeological Implications

Seismic Activity in Campania Throughout 62-79 C.E. and the Archaeological Implications
By Everett Meckler

The city of Pompeii and the surrounding region, while best known for the 79 C.E. eruption of Vesuvius and being “preserved” for posterity, was also subjected to an often concomitant natural disaster: earthquakes. While the site provides a wealth of knowledge and a window into the Roman world, the extraordinary circumstances that color modern scholarship must be fully understood. In this regard, the major earthquake the region suffered in 62/63 C.E. has long been incorporated into the scholarly inquiry of Pompeii, owing largely to its record throughout Book 6 of Seneca’s Natural Questions and a brief mention in Tacitus’ Annals (15.22.2). However, a growing number of scholars have concluded that Pompeii experienced a series of earthquakes from the 62/63 C.E. earthquake until the eruption of Vesuvius.1 This essay will synthesize and assess a diverse array of evidence with a particular focus on the water network of the city for this subsequent seismic activity and clarify the implications of such activity on interpreting the archaeological evidence at the site of Pompeii…