Q: How much does it cost to register for Dream Lab?
Dream Lab charges a registration fee so we can fairly pay the instructors who plan and teach the courses and to arrange for them to be in Philadelphia for the week. We have a slightly discounted fee for students as well as a discount for registering BEFORE MIDNIGHT April 29, 2024 (because early registration makes it easier for us to plan). We have also reduced the fee for courses that are held entirely remotely. The prices are as follows:

Before midnight April 29, 2024:
Early Regular, in person: $350
Early Student, in person: $250
Early Remote (East Asian Studies & Digital Humanities ONLY): $200

After midnight April 29, 2024:
Regular, in person: $450
Student, in person: $350
Remote (East Asian Studies & Digital Humanities ONLY): $250

Q: Can I take more than one class this year?
All Dream Lab classes run concurrently so, sadly, you have to choose one.

Q: Will food be provided for participants at Dream Lab 2024?
No. In an effort to reduce the cost of attending Dream Lab, we will not provide catering as we have in the past. When we looked at the numbers, we realized the cost of catering per person was actually quite expensive and that these costs make up a significant chunk of the registration fee. Because there are dozens of dining options at a variety of price points within easy walking distance of Penn’s library (including grocery stores), we decided to let participants manage their own meals. We will provide coffee and snacks in the morning before classes start and mid-afternoon.

Q: What housing options are available for Dream Lab participants?
In addition to the usual assortment of hotels and Airbnb options, we are happy to be working with Penn’s Conference Services to provide on-campus housing. On campus housing will cost $58.50 per night plus 15.5% Occupancy Tax. You will also need to pay a $17 service charge and $29 for an access card. Linen service is an additional $150 for the week. A participant who checks in on Sunday and checks out on Thursday, who needs an access card but brings their own linen will pay $307 for the week. Housing registration is separate from Dream Lab registration. Follow this link: Dream Lab 2024 Housing

Q: What is the schedule for Dream Lab 2024?
9am Check in & Coffee
10am Welcome
10:45am – Morning Session
Noon – Break
1:30pm – Afternoon Session 1
3pm – Coffee Break
3:30pm-5pm – Afternoon Session 2
5:15pm – Opening Keynote with Catherine Knight Steele, author of Digital Black Feminism
6-7pm – Reception

9am – Coffee
10am – Morning Session
Noon – Break
1:30pm – Afternoon Session 1
3pm – Coffee Break
3:30pm-5pm – Afternoon Session 2
5:15-7pm Ice Cream Social

9am Coffee
10am – Morning Session
Noon – Break
1:30pm – Afternoon Session 1
3pm Coffee Break
3:30pm-5pm – Afternoon Session 2

9am – Coffee
10am – Morning Session
Noon – Break
1:30pm – Afternoon Session
3pm – Coffee Break
3:30pm – 5pm Show and Tell/Closing

Q: Where are the classes located?
All in-person Dream Lab classes are in Van Pelt Library.

  • Creative Coding, Van Pelt 625
  • Nuts and Bolts of DH Project Development, Van Pelt 626
  • DH in the Classroom, Collaborative Classroom (Van Pelt, first floor)
  • Advocating for Community: Data Collection and Visualization, Goldstein Electronic Classroom (Van Pelt, first floor)
  • Text Analysis, Van Pelt 627
  • Black Speculative Digital Arts and Humanities, Vitale Digital Media Lab (623)
  • Humanities Mapping, Class of 68 (Van Pelt, first floor)

Q: Is there a Code of Conduct for Dream Lab 2024?
Yes, and we take it very seriously. You can read the entire statement here: https://web.sas.upenn.edu/dream-lab/codeofconduct/

Q: Who should I contact if I have a question or problem?
Contact your instructor first but you can always contact Stewart Varner via email at svarner@upenn.edu

Q: Will Dream Lab 2024 materials be made available to people who could not attend?
Each instructor is deciding what can and cannot be made available. Check back after Dream Lab is over for information abut how to access any materials that are made available.

Q: Will Dream Lab 2024 be in person or remote?
Predicting the future has been particularly tricky lately but, as of now, we are planning on hosting Dream Lab 2024 in person on Penn’s campus in Philadelphia … mostly. Only East Asian Studies and Digital Humanities will be offered remotely.

Q: If Dream Lab 2024 is held in person, will there be additional precautions taken in light of the on-going pandemic?
Dream Lab organizers are paying very close attention to the public health situation and our first priority is the health and safety of participants and instructors. We will be following all protocols from the University of Pennsylvania regarding in-person gatherings including guidance on participant masking, proof of vaccination status, and symptom reporting.