The Drndić Lab traveled to APS March Meeting 2015 in San Antonio, Texas to give the following talks:
- B1.00009 Effect of defects produced by electron irradiation on the electrical properties of graphene.
- T15.00014 Reaching the Ionic Current Detection Limit in Silicon-Based Nanopores.
- G43.00009 Improving signal-to-noise performance for DNA translocation in solid-state nanopores at MHz bandwidths.
- G43.00010 DNA translocation measurements through low-capacitance solid-state nanopore chips at high bandwidths.
- G43.00011 Up and down events in nanoparticle translocation through solid-state nanopores.
- G48.00009 Obtaining structural information of small proteins using solid-state nanopores and high-bandwidth measurements.
- T15.00003 Gold Nanorod translocations and charge measurement through solid-state nano pores.
- W47.00010 Thinning silicon-based membranes with electron irradiation for solid-state nanopore sensors.