Data access: To be released in July 2021 with SDSS DR17, as a Value-Added Catalog.

Data model for ananke-2a: Gaia-APOGEE synthetic surveys
Quantity Explanation Data type Unit
Fields with names identical to those in DR2
source_id Unique source identifier (per mock catalog) long
random_index Random index used to select subsets long
ra Right ascension double Angle (deg)
ra_error Standard error of right ascension double Angle (deg)
dec Declination double Angle (deg)
dec_error Standard error of declination double Angle (deg)
parallax Parallax double Angle (mas)
parallax_error Standard error of parallax double Angle (mas)
parallax_over_error Parallax divided by its error float
pmra Proper motion in RA direction double Angular Velocity (mas/year)
pmra_error Standard error of proper motion in RA direction double Angular Velocity (mas/year)
pmdec Proper motion in declination direction double Angular Velocity (mas/year)
pmdec_error Standard error of proper motion in declination direction double Angular Velocity (mas/year)
l Galactic longitude (converted from RA, dec) double Angle (deg)
b Galactic latitude (converted from RA, dec) double Angle (deg)
phot_g_mean_mag Extincted apparent G-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_g_mean_mag_error Standard error of G-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_bp_mean_mag Extincted apparent GBp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_bp_mean_mag_error Standard error of GBp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_rp_mean_mag Extincted apparent GRp band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_rp_mean_mag_error Standard error of GRp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
bp_rp Reddened GBpGRp colour float Magnitude (mag)
bp_g Reddened GBpG colour float Magnitude (mag)
g_rp Reddened GGRp colour float Magnitude (mag)
a_g_val line-of-sight extinction in the G band, AG float Magnitude (mag)
e_bp_min_rp_val line-of-sight reddening E(GBp-GRp) float Magnitude (mag)
radial_velocity Radial velocity double Velocity (km/s)
radial_velocity_error Standard error of radial velocity a double Velocity (km/s)
Stellar Parametersb
teff_val Stellar effective temperature float Temperature (K)
lum_val Stellar luminosity float Luminosity (Solar Luminosity)
Other fields not in the Gaia DR2 data model
parentid array index of the generating star particle in the snapshot file long
partid 0 if phase-space coordinates are identical to the generating star particle, 1 otherwise short
Phase space
ra_true true ra double Angle (deg)
dec_true true dec double Angle (deg)
rad_true true LSR-centric distance double Distance (kpc)
dmod_true true distance modulus double Magnitude (mag)
parallax_true true parallax double Angle (mas)
pmra_true true pm in ra direction double Angular Velocity (mas/yr)
pmdec_true true pm in dec direction double Angular Velocity (mas/yr)
radial_velocity_true true RV double Velocity (km/s)
l_true true Galactic long double Angle (deg)
b_true true Galactic lat double Angle (deg)
px_true, py_true, pz_true true position relative to LSRc double Distance(kpc)
vx_true, vy_true, vz_true true velocity relative to LSRc double Velocity (km/s)
phot_g_mean_mag_true true (i.e. after extinction, but before error convolution) apparent G-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_bp_mean_mag_true true apparent GBp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_rp_mean_mag_true true apparent GRp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
bp_rp_true true GBpGRp colour float Magnitude (mag)
bp_g_true true GBp– G colour float Magnitude (mag)
g_rp_true true G –GRp colour float Magnitude (mag)
phot_g_mean_mag_int intrinsic (i.e. before extinction or error convolution) apparent G-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_bp_mean_mag_int intrinsic apparent GBp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
phot_rp_mean_mag_int intrinsic apparent GRp-band mean magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
bp_rp_int intrinsic GBpGRp color float Magnitude (mag)
bp_g_int intrinsic GBp– G color float Magnitude (mag)
g_rp_int intrinsic G-GRp color float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS Photometry
2MASS_magH 2MASS apparent H-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magH_error 2MASS apparent H-band magnitude error float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magH_int intrinsic (i.e. before extinction or error convolution) apparent H-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magH_true true(i.e. after extinction, but before error convolution) apparent H-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magJ 2MASS apparent J-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magJ_error 2MASS apparent J-band magnitude error float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magJ_int intrinsic apparent J-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magJ_true true apparent J-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magKs 2MASS apparent Ks-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magKs_error 2MASS apparent Ks-band magnitude error float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magKs_int intrinsic apparent Ks-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
2MASS_magKs_true true apparent Ks-band magnitude float Magnitude (mag)
lognh log10 equivalent H column density along line of sight to star float cm-2
ebv E(B-V) reddening, calculated from equivalent NH float Magnitude (mag)
A0 A0, extinction at 550 nm, assuming RV=3.1 float Magnitude (mag)
Stellar Parameters
mact current stellar mass float Mass (Solar Mass)
mtip mass of a star at tip of giant branch for given age, metallicityd float Mass (Solar Mass)
mini stellar mass on zero-age main sequence float Mass (Solar Mass)
age log10 stellar age; identical for all stars generated from the same particle float Time (log yr)
logg surface gravity float Surface Gravity (log cgs)
feh [Fe/H] float Abundances (dex)
alpha [Mg/Fe] float Abundances (dex)
carbon [C/H] float Abundances (dex)
helium [He/H] float Abundances (dex)
nitrogen [N/H] float Abundances (dex)
sulphur [S/H] float Abundances (dex)
oxygen [O/H] float Abundances (dex)
silicon [Si/H] float Abundances (dex)
calcium [Ca/H] float Abundances (dex)
magnesium [Mg/H] float Abundances (dex)
neon [Ne/H] float Abundances (dex)
APOGEE Abundancese
FeH-APOGEE [Fe/H]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
MgFe-APOGEE [Mg/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
CFe-APOGEE [C/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
NFe-APOGEE [N/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
SFe-APOGEE [S/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
OFe-APOGEE [O/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
SiFe-APOGEE [Si/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)
CaFe-APOGEE [Ca/Fe]-APOGEE float Abundances (dex)

a. constant noise floor of 0.11 km/s added in quadrature
b. not error-convolved
c. see Sanderson et al. 2018 for a discussion of the coordinate systems
d. evolved stars are those with mact > mtip
e. all relative to solar; identical for all stars generated from the same particle.