Policy Work and Popular Press
Popular press on U.S. deportees to Guatemala:
“Biden wants to halt deportations. Here’s what happens when migrants are sent back.” Monkey Cage.
“New survey highlights the unique challenges that Guatemalan deportees face with economic integration back home.” Vox LACEA.
“4 things the Biden administration should pay attention to with the border crisis.” Brookings Future Development Blog.
Guatemalan press here and here.
“Social Cohesion and Forced Displacement: A Synthesis of New Research.” Prepared for the World Bank with Emily Myers and Juan Tellez.
“Are Legal Changes to Civic Space Civic Space Associated with Protest? Machine Learning Evidence from High-Frequency, Cross-National Data.” 2021. With Donald Moratz and Jeremy Springman. USAID DRG Center.
“What Predicts Changes in Civic Space?” Evidence from High-Frequency Forecasts of Serbia.” 2020. With Jeremy Springman and Donald Moratz. USAID DRG Center.
“Impact Evaluation Design Report: Civil Society Resilience in Cambodia.” 2019. With Jeremy Springman for USAID Cambodia/Cloudburst International’s Resiliency+ project.
“Impact Evaluation Design Report: Solid Waste Accountability Platform (SWAP).” 2019. With Luke Fesko, Heather Huntington and Eddy Malesky for USAID Cambodia/Triangle Environmental’s SWAP project.
“Impact Evaluation Design Report: Ghana Police Effectiveness Study.” 2019. With David Dow and Heather Huntington for USAID/Chemonics GPES project.
“Incentives, Audits and Corruption: Evidence from a District-Level Field Experiment in Ghana.” 2019. With Elaine Denny, Ngoc Phan and Diego Romero.
“Summary Report: Digital Tools and the Future of International Development.” 2019. Prepared for NORC and USAID’s Global Development Lab.
“Unpacking Bribery: Petty Corruption and Social Networks in Guatemala.” 2018. With Diego Romero. Prepared for INL/RTI’s Community Policing Projects.
“Illicit Financial Flow Rapid Assessment Tool for the World Bank.” 2018. With Pablo Beramendi, Marco Morucci and Joel Turkewitz.
“Economic and Political Drivers of Illicit Financial Flows: An Empirical Investigation.” 2018. With Pablo Beramendi, Marco Morucci, and Joel Turkewitz. World Bank Working Paper.
“Social, Political and Economic Networks in the Slums of India: Report to IGC-India.” 2018. With Jeremy Spater and Anirudh Krishna.
“Endline Evaluation of the USAID/Ghana Social Accountability Mechanisms Project.” 2018. With Heather Huntington, Elaine Denny, and Brett Gall.
“Informal Housing Markets in Bangalore: Prices, Contracting and Liquidity.” 2018. Prepared for the Omidyar Network. With Anirudh Krishna, Emily Rains and Jeremy Spater.
“Distances, Services and the Decoupling of Citizen Perceptions of the State in Africa.” With Derick Brinkerhoff and Anna Wetterberg. RTI International Development Working Paper No. 2016-01.
Decentralized Governance and Accountability: Academic Research and the Future of Donor Programming. Co-editor with Jonathan Rodden. Commissioned by USAID’s DRG Centre. 2018. Forthcoming, Cambridge University Press.
“The Social Underpinnings of Decentralized Governance: Networks, ICT and the Future of Social Accountability Programming.” Prepared for USAID DRG Centre. 2016.
“Impact Evaluation of the G-SAM Project in Ghana: Midline Report.” With Brett Gall and Heather Huntington.
“West Bank and Gaza Local Governance and Infrastructure Project Evaluation (USAID): Pre-Analysis Plan.” 2016. With Pablo Beramendi and Soomin Oh.
“Land Tenure, Services and Resilience in Urban Settings: Cross-Sectoral Challenges and Solutions.” With Kara Reeve. RTI International Research Brief. 2016.
“Drones for Social Scientific Research: Opportunities and Challenges.” With Joe Eyerman. 2016.
“Drones for Social Scientific Research: Opportunities and Challenges.” With Joe Eyerman. 2016.
“Baseline Report for an Impact Evaluation of the G-SAM Project in Ghana.” 2015. With Heather Huntington and Anna Schultz.
“Design, Monitoring and Evaluation: A Primer for Proposal Writers and Project Staff.” 2015.
“Accountability in Local Governance and Service Delivery: An Agenda for USAID Program Design and Evaluation.” With Jonathan Rodden. Evidence Review paper written as Outcome Lead Expert on Decentralized Governance and Service Delivery for USAID’s Center for Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance.
“Field Experimental Opportunities in the Roll-out of the Indonesian Village Law.” Written for the World Bank/Indonesia.
“Village Governance and Service Satisfaction: Evidence in Light of the Village Law.” With Jan Pierskalla. Prepared for the World Bank/Indonesia.
“Village Governance and Service Satisfaction: Evidence in Light of the Village Law.” With Jan Pierskalla. Written for the World Bank/Indonesia.
“USAID/EDGE Impact Evaluation: Strengthening Accountability in Ghana.” With Heather McGee (a $12 million USAID & Social Impact field experiment on local governance in Ghana).
“Natural Resources and Human Development in the American States.” With Jan Pierskalla. Prepared for the American Human Development Project, 2009.
“A Federal Bailout for the States?” With Jonathan Rodden. San Diego Union-Tribune. Jan 22, 2009.
“The Geography of Peace and Conflict in Iraq.” The News and Observer. Aug 8, 2008.
“No Method to the Comparative Politics Madness.” A Response to Munck and Snyder’s “Debating the Direction of Comparative Politics: An Analysis of Leading Journals.” Comparative Political Studies 40 (January 2007): 39-44
“Democracy in Iraq?” Seattle Times, August 2, 2004.
“The Political Economy of Decentralization in Latin America”, with Karen L. Remmer, APSA-CP 11 (Winter 2000): 28-31.
Review of Designing Federalism: A Theory of Self-Sustainable Federal Institutions by Mikhail Filippov, Peter Ordeshook and Olga Shvetsova. Comparative Political Studies.
Review of After the Deluge: Regional Crises and Political Consolidation in Russia by Daniels S. Treisman in Comparative Political Studies 34 (April 2001).
Review of Rethinking Party Systems in the Third Wave of Democratization: The Case of Brazil by Scott P. Mainwaring in Journal of Politics 63 (February 2001).