Links to Projects & Reports

These are links for ongoing globalizations projects we have identified.

Please let us know if you have an ongoing project that you wish to see here.

Demographics & Urbanization

LSE Cities

LSE Cities is an international research centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science that carries out research, education, outreach and advisory activities in the urban field, supported by the Deutsche Bank. The recently established centre builds on the interdisciplinary work of the Urban Age| Programme.

  • The Cities Programme is an international centre dedicated to the understanding of contemporary urban society. Its central objective is to relate physical structure to the social structure of cities.
  • LSE Cities has a dynamic and engaged research culture organised through multiple collaborative engagements. At its core are the Urban Age| and the Cities Programme|. It is the central contributor to the Department of Sociology’s ‘Cities, Architecture and Urbanism’ research cluster.

Development Research Center on Migration, Globalisation and Poverty, University of Sussex, U.K.

  • Funded by the UK’s Department for International Development, DRC conducts researches to provide a conceptual basis for new policy approaches
  • Researches are organized by type of migration, migration themes, and regions
    • Replacement Seasonal Labour Migration in Sylhet, Bangladesh (Project 5b)
    • International Comparisons of Mobility of the Highly Skilled (Project 7a)
  • Working papers, briefing papers and other publications

Georgetown University Institute for the Study of International Migration, U.S.A.

Globalization and World Cities (GaWC) Research Network, Geography Department at Loughborough University, U.K.

Globalization Research Center, University of Hawai`i, U.S.A.

  • Global Householding: “The Global Householding project arises from the observation that the formation of households – a social process common to all societies in the world – is increasingly reliant on international transactions and movement of people.”

Social Science Research Council,

  • Migration and Development Working Group
  • Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity
  • Transnational Migration

Immigrants and Globalization: Developing a New Measure for Global Cities, The George Washington University

  • Benton-Short, Lisa, Assistant Professor of Geography
  • Price, Marie D., Associate Professor of Geography and International Affairs
  • Friedman, Samantha, Assistant Professor of Sociology

Global Cities in an Age of Immigration, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization

  • Globalization, Urbanization, and Migration: “The GUM site is an on-going collaborative research site and network oriented towards gathering empirical data at the urban-level to measure immigration in cities around the world.”

Transnational Communities Programme, Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)

  • The formation and maintenance of transnational seafarer communities
  • Impact of legal status and children on transnational household strategies of migrant domestics
  • Gender, Households and Identity in British and Singaporean Migration to China

Metropolis International

  • The International Metropolis Project: “The International Metropolis Project ( is a forum that bridges research, policy and practice on migration and diversity. The project aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on migration and diversity issues, and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-government organisations.”


Transnational Communities Programme, Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)

Cross-Cultural Consumption

Culture and Consumption (1998-2001) is a team reseach project by David Howes. Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, research is conducted on the diffusion and domestication of select goods and services of North American origin in China, Brazil, Paraguay, India, Russia, Egypt, Iran, and, conversely, the reception of select goods and services from those countries in Canada and the United States (in collaboration with Sally Cole, Homa Hoodfar, Michael Huberman, David Ownby, Annamma Joy, and Joseph Smucker).


Social Science Research Council, U.S.A.

  • Environmental Risk and Disaster Management
  • Sustainable Cities
  • The Sustainable Cities (SC) initiative is an effort to enable exchange and collaboration between the social sciences and architecture around critical issues of sustainability that are facing contemporary cities – issues which are at once social and spatial and require a new level of cross-disciplinary investment.

  • The Social Science of Climate Change
  • Oceans and Climate Change: NASA


Convertibility of the Chinese Currency and Its Impact on Global Financial Stability, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University

  • Yang, Jiawen, Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs
  • Bajeux-Besnainou, Isabelle G., Associate Professor of Finance

Dollarization, Globalization and Financial Crises, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University

  • Kaminsky, Graciela L., Professor of Economics
  • Cipriani, Marco, Assistant Professor of Economics and International Affairs

Transnational Communities Programme, Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)


Meta-Analysis of Globalization Research, Annenberg Research Network on Globalization & Communication Media and Communications in an Uncertain World, Annenberg Research Network on Globalization & Communication and Department of Media and Communications, The London School of Economics and Political Science

Digital Diasporas, Identity, and International Policy Processes—(DIP)2, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University

  • Brainard, Lori A., Assistant Professor of Public Administration
  • Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M., Associate Professor of Public Administration

Global Governance in New Product Commercialization: Evidence from the Mobile Telephone and Fuel Cell Industries, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University

  • Spencer, Jennifer W., Assistant Professor of International Business
  • Teng, Bing-Sheng, Assistant Professor of Strategic Management and Public Policy

Networks and Globalization, The GW Center for the Study of Globalization, The George Washington University

  • Rycroft, Robert, Professor of International Science and Technology Policy and International Affairs
  • Vonortas, Nicholas S., Associate Professor of Economics and International, Affairs-Convertibility of the Chinese Currency and Its Impact on Global Financial Stability

Virtual Society? An ESRC Research Programme, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford

  • The Development of Handheld Computing in the UK: New Technology, Uncertain Uses
  • Groupware: Computer Mediated Meetings and the Mediation of Memory
  • Virtual Community Care? An Analysis of the Experience of Computer Mediated Social Support
  • Re-Shaping the Voluntary and Community Sectors in the Information Age
  • Public Participation in Local Decision Making: Evaluating the Potential of Virtual Decision Making Environments
  • Social Contexts of Virtual Manchester
  • “Where the Virtual Meets the Real”: Management, Skill and Innovation in the “Virtual Organisation”
  • An Ethnographic Study of the Diffusion Process of Telemedicine in Scotland
  • The Virtual Marketplace? Implications from the Financial Services Sector
  • Silicon Alleys: Networks of Virtual Objects
  • Effects of Visual Anonymity in Computer Mediated Group Interactions
  • Gateways to the Virtual Society: Innovation for Social Inclusion
  • Learning Sites: Networked Resources and the Learning Community
  • The Virtual Consumer: Broadening the Scope of Teleshopping
  • Technology, Work and Surveillance: Organisational Goals, Privacy and Resistance
  • The Virtual Remake of High Rise Housing: Electronic Technology and Social Space
  • A Virtual Ethnography of the Dynamics of Social Change in Relation to New Technology
  • Privacy Protection in the Virtual Society
  • Space, Place and the Virtual University
  • Human Supervisory Control in Virtual Environments
  • Virtual Reality and the Innovation Potential of the Organisation
  • From the Net to the Web and Beyond: Actors and Interests in the Construction of the Internet

International Networks Archive, Princeton University

  • Weaving the Western Web: Explaining Differences in Internet Connectivity Among OECD Countries


World Health Organization (WHO)

Annenberg Research Network on Globalization & Communication

  • The Role of Global Telecommunications Network in Bridging Economic and Political Divides 1989 to1999, Peter Monge, University of Southern California & Sorin Adam Matei, Purdue University: “This research explores the role of telecommunicative globalization in bridging world political and economic divides. Current approaches define globalization primarily in terms of increased density of network ties between nations, a perspective the present article extends into a more comprehensive framework. Exchange and balance theories are combined into a multitheoretical, multilevel model consisting of hypotheses regarding mutuality, transitivity, and cyclicality of telephonic flows between nations that differed in economic and democratic attributes in 1989 and 1999. Statistical p* procedures demonstrate that tendencies toward mutuality and transitivity in the world communications network have significantly increased between 1989 and 1999. These findings hold both for telecommunication flows among a full set of 110 nations of the world and for links between rich and poor and democratic and nondemocratic nations. The article concludes by examining implications of these results for network globalization theories.” (Link to PDF)


Transnational Communities Programme, Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)


Mapping Globalization, Princeton University

International Networks Archive (INA), Princeton University

  • The Atlas of Globalization

Annenberg Research Network on Globalization & Communication

  • Global Network Organizations: Emergence and Future Prospects, Janet Fulk, Director of Strategic Initiatives and Professor of Communications: “The closing years of the 20th century brought a burst of theory, research, analysis and social commentary that established the network as the most important emergent organizational structure and the pre-eminent metaphor for sensemaking by academics and practitioners alike.” (Link to PDF)

YaleGlobal Online

  • YaleGlobal Online, started in 2002, is the flagship publication of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization. The magazine is a free online and multimedia source that explores the implications of the growing interconnectedness of the world. It draws on the rich intellectual resources of the Yale University community, scholars from other universities, and public – and private – sector experts from around the world. Topic categories include: economy, security, environment, politics, labor, trade, health and more.