Hello, World!
Are you a PhD student or postdoc in Harmonic Analysis who is going to be on the job market in Fall 2024? Have you been thinking about making use of some other types of media to compliment your research and teaching statements to better present yourself as a job candidate? This series is created exactly for you! Anyone who is interested is welcome to sign up to post a 20-30 minutes video to introduce your academic works, background, and future plans. The talks are recommended to be made accessible to a general analysis audience and uploaded during the job application season, ideally by the end of November. Feel free to include the link to the talk in your job application portfolio.
Even if you are not going to be on the job market this year, or you simply want to share some of your research to the community, you are still more than welcome to participate! An important goal of this series is to help early career colleagues gain visibility for their research and gives the broader community an opportunity to learn about the great new results and researchers in the field!
To participate, please use this form to sign up. We will then email you further instructions and links to upload your video.
William Blair (UArk) 2023 – An Atomic Representation for Hardy Classes of Solutions to Nonhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann Equations
William Blair is a PhD student at the University of Arkansas, advised by Dr. Andrew Raich. William is expected to graduate in May 2024. In this talk, William presents his recent results concerning a representation by atomic decomposition for boundary values of...
Donggeun Ryou (UR) 2023 – Fourier Restriction and Well-Approximable Numbers
Donggeun Ryou is a Ph.D. student at the University of Rochester, advised by Dr. Alex Iosevich. Donggeun is expected to graduate in May 2024. In this talk, Donggeun used a deterministic construction to prove the optimality of the exponent in the...
Joseph Slote (Caltech) 2023 – Dimension-free Remez Inequalities and Norm Designs
Joseph Slote is a Ph.D. student at the California Institute of Technology, advised by Dr. Chris Umans. Joseph is expected to graduate in 2025. In this talk, Joseph proves a Remez-type inequality for multivariate polynomials having a constant independent of dimension,...
Adam Christopherson (OSU) 2023 – Breakdown of Weak-type Regularity on Generalized Hartogs Triangles in C^3
Breakdown of Weak-type Regularity on Generalized Hartogs Triangles in C^3 Adam Christopherson is a PhD student at Ohio State University, advised by Dr. Kenneth D. Koenig. Adam is expected to graduate in May 2024. In this talk, Adam shows the failure of a weak-type...
Caleb Marshall (UBC) 2022 – Dot product chains in finite point sets, Favard length estimates, and cyclotomic divisibility
Caleb Marshall is a PhD student at University of British Columbia, advised by Dr. Izabella Łaba and Dr. Malabika Pramanik. Caleb is expected to graduate in 2025. In this talk, Caleb discusses his results on dot product chains in finite point sets, Favard length...
Yuveshen Mooroogen (UBC) 2022 – Arts and Crafts: Let’s build a large AP-free set
Yuveshen Mooroogen is a master's student at University of British Columbia, advised by Dr. Malabika Pramanik. Yuveshen is expected to graduate this year and intends to start his doctoral studies in September 2023. Abstract: An arithmetic progression (AP) is a...
Austin Anderson (FSU) 2022 – Riesz and Green energy on projective spaces
Austin Anderson is a PhD student at Florida State University, advised by Dr. Alexander Reznikov. Austin is expected to graduate in July 2023. MSC2020 Code (31, 43, 60) Key words: Riesz energy, Green energy, Determinantal Point Processes, Harmonic Analysis, Linear...
Edward White (FSU) 2022 – Asymptotics of best packing and best covering
Edward White is a PhD student at Florida State University, advised by Dr. Alexander Reznikov. Edward is expected to graduate in spring 2023. Abstract: This video details a brief overview of the results we obtained in connecting the asymptotic behavior of packings and...
Francisco Romero Acosta (Virginia Tech) 2022 – A Mattila-Sjölin theorem for triangles
Francisco Romero Acosta is a PhD student at Virginia Tech, advised by Dr. Eyvindur Palsson. Francisco is expected to graduate in May 2023. Key words: Hausdorff dimension, Frostman measure
Shengwen Gan (MIT) 2022 – The restricted projections to planes in R3
Shengwen Gan is a PhD student at MIT, advised by Dr. Larry Guth. Shengwen is expected to graduate in May 2023. MSC2020 code: 28A75, 28A78 Key words: restricted projections, decoupling Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss a conjecture made by Fässler and Orponen on...