SPS & ENCAVIDAM Data and Documentation
Social Protection Survey
(Encuesta de Protección Social)
The Social Protection Survey (SPS) is the largest and oldest panel-type longitudinal survey in Chile, with a nationally-representative sample of around 16,000 current respondents in all regions of the country. It covers the respondents’ employment and social security history with detailed information on education, health, social security, job training, wealth and assets, family history, and housing. The surveys are used in academic research and in the analysis and design of public policies. The SPS information, for example, served as the basis for the 2008 Pension Reform (Law 20,255) and evaluation carried out by the 2015 Presidential Advisory Commission of the Pension System. To date, seven rounds have been carried out in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015/2016, and 2019/2020.
2002: (Spanish) Respondent | Deaths
(English) Respondent | Deaths
2004: (Spanish) Respondent | New Respondent
(English) Respondent | New Respondent
2006: (Spanish) Respondent | New Respondent
(English) Respondent | New Respondent
2009: (Spanish) Respondent | Deaths
(English) Respondent | Deaths
2016: (Spanish) Respondent | Deaths
(English) Respondent | Deaths
2020: (Spanish) Respondent | Deaths | Permanently Disabled
(English) Respondent | Deaths | Permanently Disabled
Data Access
Below you will find links to the SPS website from where you can download the data. You will have to submit a data request form to access the data. We have provided English translations of the Spanish web pages and the data request form below.
English translation of Spanish SPS web pages and data request form
Survey of Quality of Life of the Elderly
(Encuesta de Calidad de Vida de Adulto Mayor)
The Survey of Quality of Life of the Elderly (ENCAVIDAM) was designed to assess the impact of the Chilean Solidarity Pension System on the quality of life of older adults and to provide policy makers, researchers, ministerial and sectoral authorities, as well as the public, with information about social security and other public policies to address the needs of the older population. The survey was administered to a subsample of the SPS between November 2017 and February 2018. It complements earlier rounds of the SPS and collected information on various dimensions of quality of life in old age, including work; income and expenses; health; education and skills; subjective well-being; time use; housing and surroundings; networks and social participation; security; and autonomy and self-valence.
Data Access
Below you will find links to the Survey of Quality of Life of the Elderly website from where you can download the data. You will have to submit a data request form to access the data. We have provided English translations of the Spanish web pages and the data request form below.
English translation of Spanish Survey of Quality of Life of the Elderly web pages and data request form:
Survey of Quality of Life of the Elderly data request webpage