09: Politics and Political Thought: Marsilius and his World

Papacy: increased power 1100-1300

  • political leader of Rome and papal regions in Italy
  • Across Europe: more governance
  • strong pyramid model of authority
  • moral vision for nobles: chivalry, Crusades

Standard set of expectations about Pope

  • residence: St. John Lateran
  • elected: College of Cardinals
  • Regulation of lay religious behavior as well as clergy
  • diplomatic center, international mediator
  • moral leader of Crusades
  • regional political power

How does a strong papacy affect kings:

  • positive
    • morality and violence: chivalric ideals, lay piety
    • papal recognition of legitimacy
    • diplomacy
  • negative
    • bishops act like powerful nobles but are not subject to same legal controls
    • bishops may have divided loyalties

The crisis: central Europe

Holy Roman Empire

  • Germany: post investiture regional control;
  • Italy: recognition of city-states 1190s

South: Normans 1053

Staufen (HRE dynasty)family marries into Normans

Frederick II 1194-1250

Museo Civico, Barletta

  •  HRE, Sicily, Jerusalem
  • no heir; wars of succession
  • Ghibelline (pro Staufen) versus Guelf (supported papacy)

1266: Defeat of Manfred at Battle of Benevento: Charles of Anjou, brother of Louis IX, king of Naples and Sicily.

1312: Henry VII (house of Luxemburg); d. 1313 Successor Ludwig d. 1347

 ca 1200 
 ca 1300


Boniface VIII (1294-1303)

  •  Unam sanctam

Benedict XI (1303-04)

Clement V (1305-14): Avignon

John XXII (1316-34)

Marsilius Mainardini (ca1275-1343)

Avignon, Papal palace