13: The Print Revolution
What changes with print?
- the look of a book: typeface, paratext
- spread of knowledge and information
- the book business
- Printers, authors, illustrators
- Legal issues:
- Privilege
- Index of Forbidden Books and other controls on knowledge
- Development of markets
Rise and spread of print
Early printing: wood blocks
Paper Playing cards Religious prints
(Metropolitan Museum of Art. Burgundy, ca 1475-80)
EX: Biblia Pauperum
Movable Type: Johannes Gutenberg (Mainz) ca. 1440
1550 ca first press
1555 Bible
Gutenberg Bible. Copy at the Library of Congress
Replica of Gutenberg press, Featherbed Alley, Bermuda
Spread of printing:
- Subiaco: Conrad Sweynheym and Arnold Pannartz
- Latin Grammar
- Cicero, De oratore;
- Lactantius; St Augustine
- 1467 S & P move to Rome
1469 printing in Venice. Venice becomes printing center
- urban literacy (demand)
- authors, editors (supply)
- distribution networks
Process of printing:
![]() copy stick and type |
![]() Garamond type ligature |
alphabet; punch; matrix—letters cast
Letter cases (upper-lower):
copy text; copy stick
print runs: by 1500, ca 1000
investment Sales
Printer’s bookshops
Itinerants other shops Book fairs (ex: Frankfurt)
Control of property?
privilege, begun by 1480s
Fonts and typefaces: Gothic, Roman
Aldus Manutius (1449-1515)
- humanist ed with Guarino, friend of Pico
- former student Alberto Pio (prince of Carpi) offers financial backing
- 1490: Venice. Cretan scholars
![]() |
Aldus Manutius, Grammar |
Aristotle, Politics
Dante, Commedia. Venice: Aldus, 1502.
Italic type
Robert Estienne and Estienne Press
- Robert 1503-1559
- Bible edition (1527-28)
- 1531:Latin dictionary
- connections with King
- Royal privilege
- King’s printer for Hebrew, Latin works 1539, Greek 1540
- official typeface: 1541 Claude Garamond
Thesaurus linguae sanctae. Paris: Stephanus, 1548
Christophe Plantin (1520-89)
Plantin-Moretus Museum, Antwerp
Controls on new business
England: Stationers Company (founded 1403) 1557 exclusive right to print in England 1586 print in London only except Oxford, Cambridge (1 press each)
1559: Roman Index of Forbidden Books
Market segmentation
- Natural Philosophy, medicine
- Ephemera
- Legal notices
- Music (double printing)
Ave Maria from Harmonice Musices Odhecaton. Venice: Ottaviano Petrucci, 1501.