03: Religions of the Book

formation of Christianity

its spread into infrastructure of Rome

method of approach: bracketing

Roman religion

  • Pietas
  • Greeks; Etruscans
  • “cult of divine emperor”
  • Philosophy

Roman Palestine

  • Previous administration: Hellenistic
  • Local administration, religious exemptions

Establishment of Sacred Texts

  • Model: Hebrew Bible; Septuagint
  • “New Testament” Gospels,  Acts, letters (of Paul and others), Apocalypse
  • Greek;  earlier Aramaic texts lost
  • Synoptic Gospels (with one eye): Matthew, Mark, Luke  ca 70-80 CE
  • John ca 90+
Lothair Gospel


Jesus and Evangelists

Lothair Gospel ca. 850



Jesus and Evangelists

Palatine Bible, Lorsch,9-10c












St. Matthew (Carolingian)


  • ca 90% of Mark, plus additional material
  • ex: section of “sayings of Jesus”
  • Jewish, Messianic audience
  • Jesus as the Messiah of Biblical prophecy.
  • “New Law” as presented in Isaiah: Sermon on the Mount
  • “Great Return”   ch. 25

narrative problems resolved:

Death of Jesus without return of kingdom:

a future messianic return

Failure to convince most Jews of Messianic identity:

preaching to Gentiles

“Passion” (suffering)




John Ev


John the Evangelist

Carolingian Ivory

John Ev



John the Evangelist

Ravenna, S. Vitale 6c


  • Higher Christology; Jesus as divine Word
  • Era of debates distinguishing Jewish and Christian practices
  • Emphasis on belief

Paul of Tarsus (ca 5-ca 67):


Bargello Dip

Bargello Diptych (Carolingian): Adam; Paul

Louvre Paul

Paul as Philosopher (4c)

  • founder of  “Church”
  • addressed new problems of growing groups of followers
  • maintaining groups
  • distinction from Judaism

Christianity in Roman world

Fire of Rome (Nero) 64 CE

Revolt in Palestine 66-73

No exemption from state religious observance

problem traits in Roman terms

Initial policy: suppression

Internal structures of Christianity

Sacred texts: most written  ca 50-100

first “canonical” lists mid-2nd c


The Good Shepherd. Rome, Catacombs of Calixtus


Good Shepherd, Rome, Catacombs of Priscilla


Loaves and Fishes. Rome, Catacomb of Callixtus. Crypt of Lucina

Jonah. Rome, Catacomb of Saint Peter and Saint Marcellino