10: Reading for Devotion

Women writers, vernacular language, and devotiional writings: how do they relate?

our example: Catharine of Siena (1347-1380)

another sort of example:

Rule of St. Benedict with translations into Old high German

Growth markets: vernacular religious writings; writings by women

Controversies and complications: access and correctness

  • Cathars
  • Waldensians

Francis of Assisi 1182-1226


Giotto. St Francis preaches to the birds

Dominic of Osma 1170-1221


Allegory of the Dominicans as
Domini canes
Fresco in S. Maria Novella, Florence,
by Andrea di Bonaiuto


Genres and types of vernacular writings
  • sermons:
    • Dominicans, Franciscans
      •               Ex: Meister Eckhart, OP (ca 1260-1328)
  •     prayers, devotions
  •           Books of Hours
  •            Devotional reading: Fioretti
  •   prophetic, visionary, and mystical literature
    •    prophetic
      •       Book of Revelation Apocalypse
    •    visionary: author describes a vision
    •    mystical:  author describes union with divine or hopes to inspire reader to experience


Joachim of Fiore (ca 1135-1202): “Joachite Prophecies”

   Liber Concordie, Expositio in Apocalypsim.

 Joachim of Fiore Bernard McGinn for PBS

3 Joachite Ages: manuscript illustration




  Women as writers

Ex: Christine de Pisan. (b. 1364, Venice [Italy]–d. c. 1430)

C de P Master of the Bedford trend. Christine de Pisan Instructs Her Son, Jean de Castel, 1410–11. Paris

Ex: Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
inspiration straight from God rather than from study

Hildegard Hildegard, Scivias ms.


           Ex: St. Bridget of Sweden (ca 1303-1373)

  •                Visions
  •                1344  Campostela;  death of husband; becomes ascetic
  •                1349   order of nuns,  to Rome
Bridget St. Bridget’s Eucharistic Vision

Italy, Naples

Late 14th century

Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1912

MS M.498, fol. 4v

  Ex: Catharine of Siena (1347-1380)

  • Visions
    Dominican tertiary age 16
    1370 major series of visions
    Dictates letters
    1375   Stigmata
    1377 miraculously learns to write

War of the Eight Saints

Gregory XI

Urban VI

Great Schism

c of S Catherine of Siena, The Orcherd of Syon

(Dialogo) , London: Wynken de Worde, 1519

     Catherine of Siena: Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia (c. 1403-1482)   

Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto)

The Canonization of Catherine of Siena by Pope Pius II (1461)

Piccolomini Library, Duomo, Siena