10: Reading for Devotion
Women writers, vernacular language, and devotiional writings: how do they relate?
our example: Catharine of Siena (1347-1380)
another sort of example:
Rule of St. Benedict with translations into Old high German
Growth markets: vernacular religious writings; writings by women
Controversies and complications: access and correctness
- Cathars
- Waldensians
Francis of Assisi 1182-1226
Giotto. St Francis preaches to the birds |
Dominic of Osma 1170-1221
Allegory of the Dominicans as Domini canes Fresco in S. Maria Novella, Florence, by Andrea di Bonaiuto |
Genres and types of vernacular writings
- sermons:
- Dominicans, Franciscans
- Ex: Meister Eckhart, OP (ca 1260-1328)
- Dominicans, Franciscans
- prayers, devotions
- Books of Hours
- Devotional reading: Fioretti
- prophetic, visionary, and mystical literature
- prophetic
- Book of Revelation Apocalypse
- visionary: author describes a vision
- mystical: author describes union with divine or hopes to inspire reader to experience
- prophetic
Joachim of Fiore (ca 1135-1202): “Joachite Prophecies”
Liber Concordie, Expositio in Apocalypsim.
Joachim of Fiore Bernard McGinn for PBS
3 Joachite Ages: manuscript illustration
Women as writers
Ex: Christine de Pisan. (b. 1364, Venice [Italy]–d. c. 1430)
Master of the Bedford trend. Christine de Pisan Instructs Her Son, Jean de Castel, 1410–11. Paris |
Ex: Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179)
inspiration straight from God rather than from study
Hildegard, Scivias ms. |
Ex: St. Bridget of Sweden (ca 1303-1373)
- Visions
- 1344 Campostela; death of husband; becomes ascetic
- 1349 order of nuns, to Rome
St. Bridget’s Eucharistic Vision
Italy, Naples Late 14th century Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan, 1912 MS M.498, fol. 4v |
Ex: Catharine of Siena (1347-1380)
- Visions
Dominican tertiary age 16
1370 major series of visions
Dictates letters
1375 Stigmata
1377 miraculously learns to write
War of the Eight Saints
Gregory XI
Urban VI
Great Schism
Catherine of Siena, The Orcherd of Syon
(Dialogo) , London: Wynken de Worde, 1519 |
Catherine of Siena: Giovanni di Paolo di Grazia (c. 1403-1482)
Pinturicchio (Bernardino di Betto)
The Canonization of Catherine of Siena by Pope Pius II (1461) 1502-08 |