10: Recovery in the Sixteenth Century

Florence becomes an early modern state

  •   hereditary ruler
  • territorial: from Florence to Tuscany
  • bureaucratic

  Politics: from Republic to (Grand) Duchy

1512-27: Return of the Medici machine
1512 Siege of Florence

Maximilian, Julius II against French, Florence
Florentines expel Piero Soderini; pay off Spanish
exile rescinded for heirs of Lorenzo: (Piero d. 1503), Giuliano (Duke of Nemous), Giovanni (cardinal)

12 “Proctors of the Comune:” Giuliano a proctor

 Michelangelo, tomb of Giuliano de’ Medici, d. 1516 (with Night and Day)

1513   Giovanni becomes Leo X (d. 1521)

 Raphael, Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’Medici and Luigi de’Rossi

Lorenzo di Piero (d. 1519)  steps in for Giuliano

 Michelangelo, Tomb of Lorenzo, with Dawn and Dusk

Giulio then placed in charge (Son of Giuliano killed in Pazzi conspiracy)
1522 failed plot to overthrow Medici
1523 (November) Giulio elected pope as Clement VII

 Sebastiano del Piombo, ca.1485-1547, Clement VII

1524 Silvio Passerini, Cardinal of Cortona sent to Florence
1527 Sack of Rome

  Family strategies: Medici (other families follow suit)

  • gain support of strongest families of northern Europe
  • pick up lordships in Italy
  • Exx: Giuliano (1479-1516) marries Filiberta of Savoy, aunt of Francis I (gains title Duke of Nemours)
  • Lorenzo di Piero (1492-1519) marries Madeleine, a cousin of Francis I
    • daughter is future Catherine de Medici queen of France

1527-30: Last Republican Government
Savonarolan constitution of 1494 with updates

Clement VII: German wars of religion; Henry VIII’s divorce
remade alliance with HRE

          Florence: alliance with French

            1529-30 siege: Charles V

Alessandro de’ Medici: title Duke, 1532

Pontormo, portrait of Alessandro de’ Medici

Vasari, portrait of Alessandro de’ Medici

Transition to Alessandro

Clement VII, Charles V

1531 balia to negotiate; committee of 12 Florentines develop a model for approval of Clement and Charles as well as city

1532 end of priorate

Magistrato Supremo: Duke (or lieutenant) and 4 advisors

2 Councils with life tenure:

  • 200
  • 48 (Senate): members selected from 200

1536 Alessandro marries Margareta of Austria, illeg. daughter of Charles V

Auditori (overseers)

Auditore delle riformagioni (presided over 200 and 48)

Auditore fiscale

Secretaries: philanthropy, hospitals, more

Regional (Tuscany):
Conservatori of the Jurisdiction and Dominion. Oversee chancellors (local)


  • Decima
  • Estimo (outside city)
  • Gabelle

Scudo: 7 lire

Fortezza da Basso: imperial troops


Cosimo, 1537

 Cellini, Cosimo I

R. Burr Litchfield Gazetteer of Sixteenth-Century Florence

Decima Project (University of Toronto)

Hidden Florence (University of Exeter)

Medici Family Tree by Andrea Pecchi


FI Contado and distretto ca. 1406

   Alfani and Ammannati, “Long-term Trends in economic inequality …” Economic History Review 70.4 (2017: 1072-1102, at 1080.


1527 (euratlas)