13: Florence and Vasari

Several contexts for Vasari and the Lives

  • development of Tuscany under Cosimo I
  • artists, architects, sculptors and their works in their society
  • historical writing in the Renaissance
  • Vasari’s own career

Artists and the Arts

  • In Trade guilds until 1571
  • Manual arts vs liberal arts
  • Pliny   Natural History
  • Vitruvius
  • Alberti
  • Linear Perspective
  • Creative Furor (Plato)

DoniMichelangelo, Holy Family (Doni Tondo) 1506-8. Uffizi

an “art market”

  • attention to individual style
  • collecting
  • interest in art on paper: trial drawings, prints




Michelangelo: San Lorenzo, New Sacristy

Mannerism or Late Renaissance

Pontormo (Penn)

Bronzino (Penn)

Cosimo I Duke of Fl. 1537-69, GD of Tuscany 1569-74 (b. 1519)
Accademia Fiorentina 1541
Accademia del Disegno 1563
Company; Academy (Cosimo, Michelangelo as heads) San Lorenzo old Sacristy (one of several meeting places)

Writing a History of the visual arts

Antiquity: “History” studies public actions of the past (politics)
Pliny Natural History
Lives of famous men
Diogenes Laertius

Paolo Giovio

 Giorgio Vasari (1511-74)

  • From Arezzo; cousin of Luca Signorelli
  • To Florence; Educated with Ippolito and Alessandro de’ Medici
  • 1527 (Sack of Rome)  to Arezzo
  • 1529 travels, works in several cities
  • 1532   Florence; leaves after death of Alessandro
  • 1540’s worked in Rome
  • 1550 married; first edition of Lives (finished 1547)
  • 1555    Cosimo I’s chief artistic controller


Vasari, St Jerome (Art Institute of Chicago)

Giorgio Vasari (1511-74)
Lives of the Artists   1550; 1568

Vincenzio Borghini: plans intellectual principles behind major projects.

3-part historical period:
antico, vecchio, moderno
maniera tedesca (Gothic)
Basis for evaluating style: accuracy– perspective, anatomy, shading, color