14: From Early Modern to Modern

Via de’ Tornabuoni

Via Maggio

Some brief Conclusions

Vasari 1568 google books

Hereditary rule: From Medici to Lorraine


Duke: Alessandro 1532-37

Grand Dukes:  title from Papacy 1570

  • Cosimo I 1537-1574
  • Francesco ruled 1574-87
  • Ferdinando brother 1587-1609
  • Cosimo II 1609-21 son of Ferdinando
  • Ferdinando II (1621-70) son of Cosimo II
  • Cosimo III 1670-1723 son of Ferdinando II
  • Gian Gastone 1723-1737 son of Cosimo III


  • Francis 1737-65 became Francis I HRE
  • Peter Leopold 1765-90 later Leopold II HRE 1790-92
  • Ferdinand III 1791-1801, then 1814-24

Napoleonic years
Kingdom of Etruria 1801-7: given to Duke of Parma (Bourbon): Louis I (1773–1803); (portrait by Goya); Charles Louis (minor: mother Maria Luisa as regent)
1807-14: region split into French departements (3); Napoleon’s sister Elisa Grand Duchess of Tuscany


Ferdinand III  1814-24
Leopold II (1824-59)

 Piazza della Repubblica

File:Firenze Piazza della Repubblica 1.jpg - Wikimedia Commons


1865-71 Capital of Kingdom of Italy

Great Synagogue 1874-82

Train Station, 1935

Scuola Militare Aeronautica Giulio Douhet 1937-38

1943-44 German occupation; bridges destroyed to hinder Allied advance