08: The City on Display

Council of Florence

Councils: caused by Western Schism (1378-1417)
new theories of church authority and rule develop for and against councils

  • Council of Pisa  1409
  • Council of Constance 1414-18
  • Council of Basel (1431) Ferrara (1438) Florence (1439); ends 1449
    • Schism with Eastern Church (1054-)
    • Rise of Ottomans: need for aid
    • Greek scholars, clerics in Florence
    • Art, learning on display

Martin V (Oddone Colonna) (1417-1431)

Eugenius IV  (Gabriele Condulmer) (1431-1447)

Filarete Door, Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica

Gozzoli, Chapel of the Magi, Palazzo Medici

Nicholas V (Tommaso Parentucelli) (1447-1555)

  • part of S. Marco library foundation group
  • Humanists, artists to Rome: rebuild city, church administration
  • Rome and papacy as center of Italian power dynamics

  Joseph II Patriarch of Costantinople: Benozzo Gozzoli, Palazzo Medici (1459)
            tomb: SMN

From crises to stability: Lodi  (and then: to crisis again)

  • Expansions of contado, zones of control by Italian city-states after 1400
  • Condottieri    mercenaries
  • High cost of warfare

  Peace of Lodi, 1454:   “Italian League”

Nicholas V at center (signs 1455)
25 years, renewable
Venice, Rome, Milan, Naples
Goals of Lodi:

  • keep foreign powers (notably France) out of peninsula
  • allow for united action against external threats: Turks (1453/Constantinople)

Conflicts of interest among city states
Like HRE but weaker

  • Not all units fully sovereign
  • Little means for united action or meetings
  • No single leader of league

Lasts until 1490s


Big 5:
Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples (Regno)
Kingdom of Naples (with Sicily) “Regno”
Angevins in Naples till 1435; succession crisis .
Rome/Papal States
Oligarchy: doge
Stato del mar; stato di terrafirma
Ottoman expansion
Signorial government.
Sforza married into Visconti; sieze control, 1450




1290s— crossing still unfinished

Competitions for major commissions 

Ex: Baptistery North doors

Lorenzo Ghiberti (1378-1455)

Filippo Brunelleschi. (1377-1446)

  • Father notary: mother from old family (Spini)
  • abbaco education; goldsmith;
  • Arte della Seta 1402 ca:
  • To Rome with Donatello 1415 ca
  • perspective experiments

Lana: competition for cupola 1418

 25 March 1436 dedicated

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Museo di Storia della Scienza: Brunelleschi

Some other Brunelleschi projects:

  • 1419 Innocenti begun, opened 1445
  • 1421 S. Lorenzo
  • 1434 ca S. Spirito.
  • 1433 ca Pazzi Chapel at S Croce

Palazzo building

Clothing, fashion, textiles


Realm of Venus: a site especially for SCA

Extant Italian dresses (16th C)

Costume Gallery, Palazzo Pitti


Velvet: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Arte dalla lana Wikipedia italiana