As a graduate student, I participated in several transnational collective surveys. All these projects combined qualitative and quantitative data to shed new light on contemporary migration trajectories. Collected from migrants’ countries of origin and destination, these projects also involved transnational teams, bringing together researchers from the South, and the North, to advance our collective understanding of the implications of human mobility:
TIMME (Multisited and Interdisciplinary Fieldworks on Migrants’ involvements, coordinated by Flore Gubert and Sandrine Mesple-Somps).
Project manager (Institute of Research for Development, Dakar – Senegal): Establishment of partnerships between French and Senegalese institutions. Design of questionnaires, supervision of pilot surveys and supervision of the multi-sited data collection. Recruitment and management of fieldworkers. Data analysis (2011-2012).
POLECOMI (Political Economy Consequences Of international Migration for origin countries. Senegalese and Malian case studies, coordinated by Sandrine Mesplé-Somps).
Project coordinator, Institute of Research for Development, Dakar – Senegal, in collaboration with J.N. Senne (Paris School of Economics): Survey design, recruitment, training and supervision of a team in conducting a multi-sited exit poll during Senegalese elections. Working papers (2012).
GLAMMS (coordinated by Flore Gubert, Lisa Chauvet and Sandrine Mesple-Somps).
Technical advisor, Institute of Research for Development, Dakar – Senegal: Literature reviews, coordination between French and Italian teams, qualitative interviews and questionnaire design (2011).
FSM 2011, “Transnational activists at the World Social Forum” (coordinated by Johanna Simeant).
Research assistant & field interviewer, Paris 1 Panthéon – Sorbonne: Participation in questionnaire design and in the data collection. Quantitative data analysis. Redaction of a book chapter (2011).
MIDDAS (Migrations Internationales et Développement : une étude à partir de Données Appariées – migrants, familles d’origine- Sénégal, coordinated by Flore Gubert).
Research assistant, Institute of Research for Development, Paris – France: Surveyor, data analyst (2009).