
Institutions are more than just credible commitments and designed contracts. My research centers on reputations and international organizations in financial markets and vitality and intertia in international organizations. I show that the fate of international institutions is determined by more than just the interests of their members or the design of their charters. Heuristics, bureaucratic empowerment, and perceptions play an important role in determining the course and impact of an IO’s existence.

My 2013 book, The Company States Keep: International Economic Organizations and Investor Perceptions, won the Lepgold Prize for the best book in international relations. My book manuscript How International Organizations Survive is under contract with Oxford University Press.

Other papers explore female leadership, tax reform, and IO enlargement, among other topics. Throughout my research, I employ mixed-methods strategies, using archival research, firsthand interviews, survey experiments, expert surveys, large-N data analysis, and formal modeling.

You can find a copy of my cv here.