I am a postdoctoral researcher in the ATLAS group at the University of Pennsylvania. Broadly speaking, my research interests lie in using collider-based experiments to probe our understanding of fundamental physics at the highest energies and smallest distance scales.
I received my PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz under Prof. Mike Hance in 2020. My dissertation presents the results of an ATLAS search for the electroweak production Supersymmetric particles within compressed mass spectra using low-energy leptons. Such scenarios are highly motivated by both dark matter and naturalness considerations, and may even explain the outstanding muon g – 2 anomaly.
Prior to that, I performed my undergraduate studies at the University of Chicago, during which time I conducted research in experimental soft condensed matter physics (Unversidad de Chile), atom trapping (Argonne National Laboratory), and cosmic ray detection (University of Chicago). After graduating, I spent a year at CERN performing technical work on the calibration system of the ATLAS detector’s hadronic Tile Calorimeter.