Friday April 28, 2017
9h30-10h00 Registration and Breakfast
10h00-10h30 Opening Remarks and Presentation
Frank L. Chance, “Representations of Law and Justice in Korea”
10h30-12h30 Panel 1: Historical Precedents
Jisoo M. Kim, “Ideas of Crime: Criminal Justice and Violent Crimes in Early Modern Korea”
Kyun Ick Son, “Political Culture and Punishment of Seventeenth-Century Chosŏn: Demonstrated in Judgements of Revenge Cases”
Celeste Arrington, “The Radiating Effects of Litigation Related to Historical Grievances Against Japan”
Kate Chang, “Legacy of the Korean ‘Comfort’ Women: Past and Present”
Discussant: Jungwon Kim
12h30-14h00 Lunch Break
14h00-15h30 Panel 2: Division’s Imprints
Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein, “ ‘One Red, Big Family’: the Inminban in North Korea, 1947-1963”
Youn Soo Kim, “Challenging Violence, War, and Division: North Korea and South Korea in Kwŏn Chŏng-saeng’s Mongsil ŏnni”
Margaret Gerhart, “Across Korean Borders: Architectures and Urbanisms of Movement and Migration in the Global Regime of Advanced Capitalism”
Discussant: Frank Plantan, Jr.
15h30-15h50 Coffee Break
15h50-17h50 Panel 3: Contemporary Verdicts
Jiyeon Choi, “In the Name of Law: How Violence by the Government is Tolerated”
Jeong-Woo Koo, “Contested Human Rights and Its Consequences in South Korea”
Yi-Li Lee, “Courts and Transitional Justice: A Comparative and Contextual Analysis to South Korea and Taiwan”
Yoonkyung Lee, “Unusual Suspects: Privatized Violence and Dispossessive Litigation in the Unmaking of Labor Politics in Korea”
Discussant: Justine Guichard
17h50-18h00 Concluding Remarks
18h00 Dinner Reception