Small Grants

The ILST Initiative, sponsored by MindCORE, makes available Small Grants for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers doing research in the language sciences, to cover research-related expenses, including subject payment and conference travel. See the application form for further details.

Before requesting departmental funds for research related expense and travel, please be sure to apply to SASgov Travel grant, SAS Travel Subvention Request Fund or GAPSA Research Students Travel fund. Amount requested from the ILST should be only the additional amount required for travel request.

Contact the Director of the LCS program, Prof. Anna Papafragou ( with further questions and concerns. If you’re not yet quite ready to submit an application but have concrete plans for doing so in the future, it may also be helpful for planning purposes to send a brief message stating your intention to apply and characterizing relevant details, especially with regards to costs and timing involved.