
The seminar series is one of the main components of the Second Mid-Atlantic Analysis Meeting, which is held weekly on Fridays at 3pm Eastern Time, starting from September 4th.


The seminar usually lasts 1.5-2 hours, and includes a mix of invited talks and contributed short talks. In addition, short Q&A sessions with the speakers (on either math or professional experiences) will also be held some weeks.

If you are interested in receiving weekly reminders of the seminar, please fill out the Google Form here to subscribe to our mailing list.


To attend the seminars, please use the following Zoom link:

Join Zoom Meeting

*Note: the Zoom meeting is passcode protected. The passcode will be distributed to the mailing list in our weekly seminar announcement. Alternatively, please feel free to reach out to or any of the organizers to receive the passcode.

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Meeting ID: 970 6988 2516
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Interested in giving a talk?


We welcome early career mathematicians (e.g. undergraduate/graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, or other junior mathematicians) in any subfield of analysis to present their works. If you would like to give a 30-minute talk at the seminar, please fill out the Google Form here


Current Schedule:


September 4, 3pm EDT

Stefan Steinerberger

(University of Washinton, Seattle)

The “Smoothest” Average and New Uncertainty Principles for the Fourier Transform



September 11, 3pm EDT

Zihui Zhao

(University of Chicago)

Boundary Regularity of Area-Minimizing Currents



September 11, 4:05pm EDT

Austin Anderson

(Florida State University)

Riesz Energy and Best Packing on Self Similar Sets



September 18, 3pm EDT

Adam Skalski

(Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences)

Approximation properties of groups and operator algebras: towards maximal Haagerup subgroups and subalgebras (joint work with Yongle Jiang)



September 25, 3pm EDT

Kelly Bickel

(Bucknell University)

Matrix Monotonicity in the Quasi-Rational Setting



October 2, 3pm EDT

Alan Chang

(Princeton University)

Analytic capacity and projections




October 9, 3pm EDT

David Beltran

(University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Variation bounds for spherical averages



October 16 Conference
October 23, 3pm EDT

Theresa Anderson

(Purdue University)

Dyadic analysis meets number theory
October 30, 4pm EDT

Kornélia Héra

(University of Chicago)

Hausdorff dimension of Furstenberg-type sets Abstract
November 6, 3pm EDT

Kyle Hambrook

(San Jose State University)

Explicit Salem Sets of Arbitrary Dimension in Euclidean Space



November 13, 3pm EST

Polona Durcik

(Chapman University)

A triangular Hilbert transform with curvature Abstract
November 20, 3pm EST

Alex Barron

(University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)

A sharp global Strichartz estimate for the Schrodinger equation on the cylinder Abstract
November 27 Black Friday, no seminar
December 4, 3:30pm EST

Bruno Poggi

(University of Minnesota)

Theory of $A_{\infty}$ weights for elliptic measures and generalized Carleson perturbations for elliptic operators Abstract
December 4, 4pm EST

Kan Jiang

(Ningbo University)

Some thickness theorems and their applications Abstract
December 11, 3pm EST

 Tyler Bongers

(Harvard University)

 Energy techniques for nonlinear projections and Favard curve lengths  Abstract
December 18

To submit a talk, please click here.

To subscribe to our mailing list and to receive the Zoom meeting passcode, please click here.

If you have any questions not answered on this website, please contact the organizers at