Students’ Advising
Doctoral students Dissertation Chair (A advisor)
- Ariana Bancu (Graduated in 2019) Dynamics of language contact and language variation: The case of Transylvanian Saxon in the homeland and the diaspora
- Rawan Bonais (co-advisor with Acrisio Pires)
- Danielle Burgess
- Tridha Chatterjee (co-advisor with Acrisio Pires) (Graduated in 2015) Bilingualism, Language Contact and Change: The Case of Bengali and English in India
- Sophie Eakins
- Wilkinson Daniel Wong Gonzales (co-advisor with Sally Thomason)
- Joy Peltier
- Emily Sabo (co-advisor with Jon Brennan) (impending graduation) Social Factors in the Production, Perception and Processing of Contact Varieties: Evidence from Bilingual Corpora, Nativeness Evaluations, and Real-time Processing (EEG) of Spanish-accented English
- Candice Scott (Graduated in 2016) Tense & Aspect Markers in African American English
- Yourdanis Sedarous (co-advisor with Acrisio Pires)
- Alicia Stevers (co-advisor with Ezra Keshet) (Graduated in 2020) The Said Construction: Usage, Change, and Social Meaning in English and Spanish
B Advisor
- Erica Beck
- Marjorie Herbert
- Jae-Young Shim
- Theodore Stern
Committee member
- Marcus Berger
- Will Nediger
- Moira Saltzman
Cognate committee member
- Danielle Labotka (cognate member in Psychology)
- Anne-Coleman Webre (cognate member in School of Education)
- Saeed Al Alaslaa (cognate member in Near Eastern Studies)
- Abdulaziz Alqasem (cognate member in Near Eastern Studies)
- Mohammed Alshehri (cognate member in Near Eastern Studies)
- Douglas Brunton (cognate member in Communication Studies)
- Andrew Walker (cognate member in History)
- Sandhya Narayanan (cognate member in Anthropology)
- Choksi, Nisshant (cognate member in Anthropology)
- Sarah Hillewaert (cognate member in Anthropology)
- Graham Nessler (cognate member in History)
- Sarah McDermott (cognate member in History)
Honors thesis director
- Joseph Lesada (2017) “Taglish in Metro Manila: An analysis of Tagalog-English code-swiching” (recipient of the Matt Alexander Award for outstanding Honors thesis in Linguistics)
- Amelia Flynn (2015) “A diachronic study of Haitian Creole”
- Rachel Bayer (2013) “Null Subjects in Creole Languages” (recipient of the Matt Alexander Award for outstanding Honors thesis in Linguistics)
- Justin Wedes (2008) “Bare necessities: A quantitative study of bare nouns frequency in Cape Verdean Creole”
Honors thesis reader
- Brianna Wells (2019) “Perspectives on code-switching in bilingual classrooms in the United States.”
- Gabrielle Valentic (2015) “The Influences of Dual-Immersion Teacher Interactional Styles on Spanish-English Bilingual Student Linguistic Output.”
- Lauren Friedman (2008) “The loss of Old English null expletive ‘it’”
Doctoral students Dissertation Chair
- Alberto Centeno Pulido (2010) “Reconciling generativist and functionalist approaches on adjectival position in Spanish”
- Soo Jung Chang (2009) “Nominal structure and interpretation: On the syntax of the Korean Determiner Phrase”
- Jiyoung Daniel (2009) “Netlingo in Korean and English”
- Sasha Johnson (2008) “Acknowledging the voice of families: Metadiscourse and linguistic identity of African-American speakers of AAE”
- Huimin Ji (2007) “On the syntax of Chinese nominals”
Master’s students Master’s thesis main supervisor
- Amy Hernandez (2004) “Spanglish: A study of the features of bilingual speakers in Georgia”
- Shih-Ju Young (2007) “Contact-induced changes from English (L2) to Mandarin Chinese (L1)”
Honors students Honors’ thesis main supervisor
- Rachel Lunney (2007) “To have and to haf: The development of a new verb”
Doctoral students Committee member
- Lisa Cohen Minnick (2002) “Dialect and dichotomy: A computational and critical approach to analyzing literary representation of African American speech”
- Frederick James Pagniello III (2002) “The homeric augment: A deictic particle”
- Susan Tamasi (2003) “Cognitive patterns of linguistic perception”
- Tze Hui Lau (2004) “Topic chains as form and function: A ‘kitchen pidgin’ case study”
- Alla Petrova Zareva (2004) “A model of lexical knowledge assessment of adult native and non-native speakers of English”
- Othman Almeniei (2005) “What counts as language learning: Analysis of teacher-learner interactions in an English as a foreign classroom in Saudi Arabia”
- Michele Hubbard Terray (2005) “Ethnocentrism and language endangerment in Uralic: The case of Ingrian-Finnish”
- Marlene Kemp-Dynin (2005) “The ‘company’ words keep: A corpus-based analysis of collocational patterning in business terminology”
- Sudarat Leerabhandh Hatfield (2005) “Lexical variation of Chiangmai dialect in Chiangmai province in Thailand”
- Lamont Antieau (2006) “A distributional analysis of rural Colorado English”
- Soyoung Kwon (2006) “Korpar: A rule-based dependency parser for Korean implemented in Prolog”
- Iyabo Osiapem (2006) “Black English in Bermuda: Historical and current contexts”
- Helga Wendelberger (2006) “Hide and seek: Quantitative authorship identification in language concealment”
- Clayton Darwin (2008) “Construction and analysis of the University of Georgia tobacco documents corpus”
- Betsy Barry (2008) “Data transformation: From theory to practice.”
Master’s students Committee member
- Holli Renee Chapman (2001) “Building discourse relations: The use of requests in a boys’ peer group”
- Yeon Ju Kim (2001) “Partial access to Universal Grammar: Parameter setting in second language acquisition of native and non-native speakers of Korean”
- Robert Allen Cloutier (2002) “Diachronic negation in English: A minimalist analysis with references to other languages”
- Congzhou He (2004) “Computer-aided analysis of ketamine-influenced speech”
- Yanli Ma (2004) “The accessibility hierarchy and the processing of English relative clauses by Chinese college students”