

Wallace, M., M. Khlat, and M. Guillot. 2021. “Infant Mortality among Native-Born Children of Immigrants in France, 2008–17: Results from a Socio-Demographic Panel Survey.” European Journal of Public Health 31(2):326-333. PMCID: PMC8071600.


Guillot, M., M. Khlat, and M. Wallace. 2019. “Adult Mortality among Second-Generation Immigrants in France: Results from a Nationally Representative Record Linkage Study.” Demographic Research 40(54):1603-1644. PMCID: PMC8114944.

Khlat, M., M. Wallace, and M. Guillot. 2019. “Divergent Mortality Patterns for Second Generation Men of North-African and South-European Origin in France: Role of Labour Force Participation.” SSM – Population Health 9:100447. PMCID: PMC6718938.

Wallace, M., M. Khlat, and M. Guillot. 2019. “Mortality Advantage among Migrants According to Duration of Stay in France, 2004–2014.” BMC Public Health 19(1):327. PMCID: PMC6427872.


Guillot, M., M. Khlat, I. Elo, M. Solignac, and M. Wallace. 2018. “Understanding Age Variations in the Migrant Mortality Advantage: An International Comparative Perspective.” PLoS ONE 13(6):e0199669-e0199669. PMCID: PMC6025872.


Khlat, M. and M. Guillot. 2017. “Health and Mortality Patterns among Migrants in France.” Pp. 193-213 in Migration, Health and Survival: International Perspectives, F. Trovato. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers.


2019. Age Patterns, Timing, and Determinants of Remigration Among Foreign-born Workers in France: Evidence From French Pension Data. Paper presented at the Population Association of America, Austin TX, USA.

2019. Disparities in Infant Mortality among the Children of Immigrants in France, 2008-2017. Paper presented by Wallace, M at the Population Association of America, Austin TX, USA.

2018. Mortality among Migrants According to Duration of Stay in France, 2004-2014. Paper presented by Wallace, M at the British Society for Population Studies, Winchester, England.

2018. The Impact of the Salmon Bias on the Migrant Mortality Advantage: New Evidence using French Pension Data. Presented at:

  • European Population Conference, Brussels, Belgium by Solignac, M
  • Population Association of America, Denver CO, USA by Guillot, M

2018. Mortalité des immigrés. Paper presented by Khlat, M at l’Ecole doctoral de santé publique: Expolitation des données des causes de décès pour la santé publique et perspectives du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS), Paris, France.

2018. Pourquoi les migrants meurent-ils plus tard? L’effet de départs sélectifs du territoire français. Paper presented by Solignac, M at the seminar ‘Premier Pas’ University of Bourdeaux, ISPED, IRDES, Bourdeaux Population Health, CNRS UMR Passages, Bourdeaux, France.

2017.  Does the Migrant Mortality Advantage Persist for the Second Generation? New Evidence from France. Paper presented by Guillot, M at:

  • IUSSP XXVIIIth General Population Conference, Cape Town, South Africa
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Demography Seminar, Madison WI, USA.

2017. L’avantage de mortalité des immigrés persiste-t-il au sein de la second génération? L’exemple de la France. Paper presented by Guillot, M at the Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques Monday Seminar Series, Paris, France.

2016. Santé des migrants: robustesse et vulnérabilité. Paper presented by Guillot, M at Les Rencontres de la Démo, Ined, Paris, France.

(Note: originally presented in French with English voiceover)

2016. Understanding Age Variations in the Migrant Mortality Advantage. Paper presented at:

  • Population Association of America, Washington DC, USA by Guillot, M
  • European Population Conference, Mainz, Germany by Guillot, M
  • British Society for Population Studies, Winchester, England by Wallace, M

2016. Mortalité des descendants d’immigrés en France: premier résultats. Paper presented by Guillot, M at:

  • Journée d’échanges entre l’unité Mortalité-Santé-Épidémiologie (MSE) et l’Equipe de Recherche en Épidémiologie Sociale (ERES)
  • Centre d’épidémiologie sur les causes médicales de décès (CépiDc)
  • Séminaire Migrations Internationales, Discrimination, Intégration (MIDI, Ined)
  • Centre de Recherche de l’Institut de Démographie de l’Université Paris 1 (CRIDUP)