
Recent Conference Presentations

Molodtsov S., I. Marinov, S. Lu, Teleconnections between the tropical atmosphere and Southern Ocean on
multidecadal time scale. Ocean Sciences Meeting (poster), 16-21 February, 2024, New Orleans, LA.
OSM Abstract

J. Stanger, E. Kotchetkova, T.S. Kostadinov and Shovonlal Roy, What do Satellite Biomass Products actually retrieve? Creating a comparative understanding of size-partitioned phytoplankton and POC biomass. poster at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in New Orleans (Feb 20 2024)

Marinov I., A. Cabre, S. Kaufmann, S. Molodtsov and M. Weisberg. Introducing the GLOBAL CLIMATE
SECURITY ATLAS to enable research, AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting (Oral presentation), 18-23
February, 2024, New Orleans, LA. OSM abstract

Lu S., S. Molodtsov, I. Marinov, Local Dynamics of Deep Convection and sea ice links within Southern Ocean
Subpolar gyres: Insights into Open-Ocean Polynya Formation. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting (Oral presentation), 18-23 February, 2024, New Orleans, LA. OSM abstract

Lu S., S. Molodtsov, I. Marinov,. Southern Ocean open-sea convection in CMIP6. SOCCOM annual meeting; Oral
presentation; June 7-9, 2023, Princeton, NJ.

Marinov I., Kochetkova E., Kostadinov T., Roy S., Stanger J. Linking Phytoplankton biomass and POC from satellite remote sensing: linking biological size with ecosystem processes and ocean physics. Talk at Ocean Sciences Meeting (27 Feb – 4 March 2022, online)

Lu, S. Molodtsov and I. Marinov. Deep water formation in the Southern Ocean: large scale teleconnections on multidecadal timescales. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Virtual Oral presentation; 24 February – 4 March, 2022.

Marinov I., Kochetkova E., Stanger J., Kostadinov T., Phytoplankton biomass and POC from satellite remote sensing: linking biological size with ecosystem processes and ocean physics Ocean Sciences Meeting (Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 27 February – 4 March 2022)

Kochetkova E., Marinov I., Kostadinov T., Shovonlal R., Phytoplankton and POC Biomass Seasonality in the Atlantic Ocean Derived from Backscattering and Absorption Based Satellite Algorithms. Ocean Carbon from Space Workshop, 2022, February 14th-18th (online)

Kochetkova E., Phytoplankton biomass seasonality in the Atlantic Ocean derived from backscattering and absorption-based satellite algorithms. 2021 NASA Virtual Ocean Color Research Team Meeting, October 27th-28th (online)

Kochetkova E., Marinov I., Kostadinov T., Lu S., Roy S. Seasonality of Phytoplankton in two satellite products and novel CMIP6 climate models, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, (Norfolk, VA, USA, 1-17 December 2020)

Bernard S., Kochetkova K., Kostadinov T., Robertson L., Zhang X. Retrieval of the Particle Size Distribution Using Coated Spheres Modeling Ocean Sciences Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, 16-21 February 2020)

Kochetkova E., Kostadinov T., Roy S., Marinov I. Comparison of an Absorption-based and a Backscattering-based Algorithm for the Retrieval of the Particle Size Distribution. Ocean Sciences Meeting (San Diego, CA, USA, 16-21 February 2020)

Marinov I., Asadieh B., S. Molodtsov and S. Lu, Linking High Latitude Convection with the Meridional Overturning Circulation in a Hierarchy of GFDL climate Models. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Virtual. Oral presentation; 1-17 December, 2020.

Molodtsov S., I. Marinov, B. Asadieh, J. E. San Soucie, A. Cabre, & R. Maor, Linking the Antarctic Circumpolar Current with Weddell Sea convection and with the meridional overturning circulation in a hierarchy of GFDL models. AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting (poster), 16-21 February, 2020, San Diego, CA.

Marinov I., Bernadello R., Cabre A., Leung S., Kochetkova K. Ocean ecology and oxygen: responses to 21st century climate change across the IPCC-AR5 climate models. The UN Climate Change Conference COP 2, (Madrid, Spain, 2 – 13 December 2019)

Kochetkova E., Kostadinov T., Marinov I. Sensitivity of particulate backscattering coefficient spectral slope and PSD retrievals to the choice of pure seawater spectral backscattering 2019 MODIS/VIIRS Science Team Meeting (College Park, MD, USA, November 18-21, 2019)

Asadieh, B., Marinov, I., Knutson, T.R., (2018, December) “Land and Ocean Extreme Precipitation Response to Climate Change in CMIP5 and preliminary CMIP6 Model Outputs”, Poster presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. (AGU Abstract hyperlink)

San Soucie, J.E., Marinov, I., Asadieh, B., Cabre, A., Molodtsov, S., (2018, December) “The curious convection teleconnection question: links between Weddell Sea and Labrador Sea deep convection on multi-decadal timescales”, Poster presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. (AGU Abstract hyperlink)

Sharma, P., Marinov, I., Hogan, C.A., Shen, F., Asadieh, B., Cabre, A., (2018, December) “Linking phytoplankton ecology and phytoplankton types with ocean carbon and physics: lessons from satellite data and CMIP5 models”, Poster presented at American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA. (AGU Abstract hyperlink)

Asadieh, B., Marinov, I., Cabre, A., Molodtsov, S., San Soucie, J.E., (2018, February) “Climate response to Southern Ocean deep convection across CMIP5 models”, Poster presented at AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, USA. (AGU Abstract hyperlink)

San Soucie, J.E., Marinov, I., Cabre, A., Gnanadesikan, A., Asadieh, B., (2018, February) “Polynya-Mediated Southern Ocean Convection: Mechanisms and Response to Climate”, Poster presented at AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, OR, USA. (AGU Abstract hyperlink)