What is the Climate Atlas?

Perry World House’s Global Climate Security Atlas  is an online climate data visualization project. Bringing over 200 geospatial datasets together into one place, the website layers these datasets over a map of the world. Users can use this map to visualize information on physical climate projections, environmental and ecological data, and information on human, social and political systems. It also incorporates the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)’s projections, including how global temperature increases would impact countries around the world.

The goal of the Atlas is to make relevant climate information easily accessible and comparable across many different regions of the world. We hope the creation of a new digital atlas will be useful for training the future generation of climate scientists, for academic collaboration, and as a first stop in intergovernmental conversations.


Looking Forward

Currently almost all data is raster and therefore not suitable for multiple overlays. It’s recommended to limit the selection of one dataset at a time. In order to compare different layers, we recommend opening different tabs.

In the future, the map will be expanded to include a “hotspot finder,” which will use data to visually highlight places that face multiple climate impacts and are therefore especially vulnerable to climate change. It will also be used to identify gaps in global data on climate adaptation.



If you use the Global Climate Security Atlas for research, teaching, or other purposes let us know your opinions at imarinov@upenn.edu !!