Journal Articles
Raine, A.*, Choy, O.*, Leung, C., Singh, M., & Kaur, J. (2023). Omega-3 and vitamin D supplementation to reduce recidivism: A pilot study. Journal of Experimental Criminology,
*denotes equal authorship
Choy, O., Raine, A., & Schug, R. (2022). Larger striatal volume is associated with increased adult psychopathy. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 149, 185-193.
Choy, O. & Raine, A. (2021). Vitamin D insufficiency attenuates the effect of early social adversity on child antisocial behavior. Psychological Medicine, 1-10.
Morgan, C. A., Chang, Y., Choy, O., Tsai, M., & Hsieh, S. (2021). Adverse childhood experiences are associated with reduced psychological resilience in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Children, 9, 27.
Ling, S., Raine, A., Choy, O., & Hamilton, R. H. (2020). Effects of prefrontal cortical stimulation on aggressive and antisocial behavior: A double-blind, stratified, randomized, sham-controlled, parallel-group trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 16, 367-387.
Choy, O., Raine, A., & Hamilton, R. H. (2018). Stimulation of the prefrontal cortex reduces intentions to commit aggression: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, stratified, parallel-group trial. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 6505-6512.
Portnoy, J., Legee, K., Raine, A., Choy, O., & Rudo-Hutt, A. S. (2018). Biosocial risk factors for academic honesty: Testing a new mediation model in young adults. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice.
Raine, A., Ang, R. P., Choy, O., Hibbeln, J., Ho, R. M-H., Lim, C. G., … Fung, D. S. S. (2018). An omega-3 and social skills intervention for childhood externalizing behavior problems: A randomized, stratified, double-blind, placebo-controlled, factorial trial. Psychological Medicine, 49, 335-344.
Choy, O. & Raine, A. (2018). Omega-3 supplementation as a dietary intervention to reduce aggressive and antisocial behavior. Current Psychiatry Reports, 20, 32.
Choy, O., Focquaert, F., & Raine, A. (2018). Benign biological interventions to reduce offending. Neuroethics. doi:10.1007/s12152-018-9360-0
Choy, O., Raine, A., Venables, P. H., & Farrington, D. P. (2017). Explaining the gender gap in crime: The role of heart rate. Criminology.
Choy, O., Berryessa, C. M., & Raine, A. (2016). The ethics of biological interventions on psychopathic prisoners. AJOB Neuroscience, 7, 154-156.
Portnoy, J., Raine, A., Glenn, A. L., Chen, F. R., Choy, O., & Granger, D. A. (2015). Digit ratio (2D:4D) moderates the relationship between cortisol reactivity and self-reported externalizing behavior in young adolescent males. Biological Psychology, 112, 94-106.
Choy, O., Farrington, D. P., & Raine, A. (2015). The need to incorporate autonomic arousal in developmental and life-course criminological research and theories. Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology, 1, 189-207.
Choy, O., Raine, A., Portnoy, J., Rudo-Hutt, A., Gao, Y., & Soyfer, L. (2015). The mediating role of heart rate on the social adversity-antisocial behavior relationship: A social neurocriminology perspective. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 52, 303-341.
Raine, A., Fung, A., Portnoy, J., Choy, O., & Spring, V. L. (2014). Low heart rate as a risk factor for child and adolescent aggressive and psychopathic behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 40, 290-299.
Book Chapters
Choy, O. (2022). Structural magnetic resonance imaging studies of antisocial personality disorder. In D. W. Black & N. J. Kolla (Eds.), Textbook of Antisocial Personality Disorder. American Psychiatric Association Publishing .
Choy, O. (2020). Antisocial personality disorder. In B. J. Carducci (Editor-in-Chief), J. S. Mio, & R. E. Riggio (Vol. Eds.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Vol. IV. Clinical, Applied, and Cross-cultural Research. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Choy, O. (2020). Biosocial risk factors for offending. In F. Focquaert, E. Shaw, & B. N. Waller (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Science of Punishment. Routledge.
Choy, O., Portnoy, J., Raine, A., Remmel, R. J., Schug, R., Tuvblad, C., & Yang, Y. (2019). Biosocial influences on offending across the life course. In D. P. Farrington, L. Kazemian, & A. R. Piquero (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.