Collaboration with Opera Philadelphia

2018 –

In 2018-20, Penn undergraduates Suzanne Carpenter, Leo Sarbanes, and Kiamesso DaSilva, worked as summer interns at OP: see article on Sarbanes, now (2022) a Ph.D. Candidate in Musicology at Harvard.

In 2021 Dr. Lily Kass, who received her Ph.D. in Musicology at Penn in 2017, was appointed Scholar in Residence at OP (one of only two such scholars in the U.S.), see here.

In the same year, Kia(messo) DaSilva was appointed Office Manager in OP’s office of People Operations & Inclusion.

2014 – 2018

Coordinated by Lily Kass (2014-17) and Mauro Calcagno. With Michael Bolton at Opera Philadelphia.


See Penn Today’s article here


Maestro Corrado Rovaris interviewed by Carlo Lanfossi at the University of Pennsylvania (October 2014)

Dress rehearsal of Oscar attended by grad. and undegrad. students (February 2015)

Talk by Theodore Morrison in Music Department (February 2015)

Graduate student Maria Murphy gives talk on Ariadne auf Naxos at OP (February 2015)

Brooke McCorkle gives talk about Don Carlo at OP, in the series “Between the Notes” (April 2015)

Graduate students observe artistic meetings and attend rehearsals of Don Carlo (April 2015)

Maria Murphy gives talks on La Traviata at OP in the seeries “Between the Notes” (September2015)

Graduate and undergraduate students attend orchestra dress rehearsal of La Traviata (October 2015)

Graduate students Lily Kass, Marc LeMay, Maria Ryan, Maria Murphy, and Charles Shrader, and undergraduate Matré Grant, provide online content for the first ever online learning course in Opera Philadelphia’s history for the East Coast Premiere of Jennifer Higdon and Gene Scheeer’s Cold Mountain. Lily Kass coordinated the effort. See article in “Drexel Now” (January 2016).

Graduate students observe artistic meetings and attend rehearsals of Jennifer Higdon and Gene Scheeer’s Cold Mountain (January 2016).

For a talk by Lembit Beecher (first composer-in-residence at OP) see here (Opera Workshop, January 22, 2016).

Composer Jennifer Higdon (Milton L. Rock Chair in Composition Studies at the Curtis Institute of Music, Ph.D. 1994 Univ. of Pennsylvania) gives talk on her Cold Mountain (libretto by Gene Scheer) in the Department’s Colloquia Series (doubling as Opera Workshop), introduced by Anna Weesner, Chair of the Music Department, and in dialogue with Michael Bolton, Vice-President for Community Programs at OP (February 9, 2016).

For a Department talk by composer Missy Mazzoli in September 2016 on her extraordinarily successful opera “Breaking the Waves” see here.

In 2016-17 graduate students in musicology, like Lily Kass (here), gave talks in the “Between the Notes” series. This collaboration continued in 2017-18 — see the talks by Maria Ryan and Tristan Paré-Morin