Books and Monographs

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Technology and Human Development, S & B World Foundation, 2024.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Global Inflation, S & B World Foundation, 2023. GLOBAL INFLATION (

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Economic Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic, S & B World Foundation,2022.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Industrial Policy in Emerging Markets, S & B World Foundation,2021.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Economies of Nordic Countries, S & B World Foundation,2019.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Globalization, Trade, Productivity and Development, S & B World Foundation,2018.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, Globalization, Growth, and Inequality, S & B World Foundation, 2017.

Kaytaz, Mehmet, Suleyman Ozmucur, Kadir Tanju Yurukoglu, A Comparative Review of Economic Performances of Egypt, Iran and Turkey, S & B World Foundation, 2016.

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Turkiye de Gelir Dagilimi, Vergi Yuku, ve Makroekonomik Gostergeler. Bogazici University Publications No 582. Istanbul. 1996. [Income Distribution, Tax Burden and Macroeconomic Indicators in Turkey]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , The Economics of Defense and the Peace Dividend in Turkey. Bogazici University Publications No. 581. Istanbul 1996.

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Productivity and Profitability:The Turkish Case. Bogazici University Publications No. 514. Istanbul.October 1992.

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Istikrar Politikalari. Avciol Matbaasi. Istanbul. Temmuz 1991. [Stabilization Policies]

Neftci Salih N. and Suleyman Ozmucur, Turkiye Ekonomisi icin TUSIAD Oncu Gostergeler Endeksi. TUSIAD Yayin No. T/91,6-143. Haziran 1991. [TUSIAD Leading Indicators for the Turkish Economy]

Ozmucur, Suleyman, Gelecegi Tahmin Yontemleri. ISO Yayinlari.Yayin No.l990/2.Avciol Matbaasi,Istanbul, l990. [Forecasting Methods]

Alkin,Erdogan Demir Demirgil and Suleyman Ozmucur, Istikrarli Kalkinma ve Yeniden Sanayilesme Icin Ekonomik Cozumler, TUSIAD. Yayin No. T/89/7/l29) Istanbul l989. [Economic Solutions for a Stable Development and Industrialization]

Batirel, Omer Faruk , Izzettin Onder, Suleyman Ozmucur and Adnan Tezel, Turk Vergi Gelirlerini Arttirma Yollari, Alternatifler ve Beklentiler. Can Matbaasi. ITO Yayin No. l989-l5, Istanbul. [Ways of Increasing Turkish Tax Revenues, Alternatives and Expectations]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Satinalma Gucu Paritesi Yontemi ve Turkiye’deki Uygulamalar. ISO Yayinlari. No. l988/3. Avciol Matbaasi, Subat l988. [The Method Purchasing Power Parity and Applications inTurkey]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Turk Ekonomisinin Uc Aylik Ekonometrik Modeli l98l I-l986 IV. TUSIAD Istanbul, l987. [A Quarterly Econometric Model for Turkey, 1981I-1986IV]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Milli Gelirin Uc Aylik Donemler Itibariyle Tahmini, Dolarla Ifadesi ve Gelir Yolu ile Hesaplanmasi. Istabul Ticaret Odasi (ITO), Istanbul. Can Matbaa, l987. [Quarterly Estimates of National Incomes, Incomes in Dollars, and Estimations Based on the Income Method]

Onis, Ziya and Suleyman Ozmucur, Turkiye’de Enflasyon, Lebib Yalkin Yayimevi, ITO Yayinlari, l987.
[Inflation in Turkey]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Istanbul Sanayi Odasi Uretim ve Fiyat Indeksleri, Istanbul Sanayi Odasi (ISO) Yayinlari, l987/l4, Avciol Matbaasi, Istanbul l987. [Istanbul Chamber of Industry Production and Price Indexes]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Sanayide Mali ve Ekonomik Gostergeler, l983-l984. Istanbul Sanayi Odasi Yayinlari, Yayin No. l987/20. Avciol Matbaasi, l987. [Financial and Economic Indicators in Industry, 1983-1984]

Esmer, Yilmaz, Hamit Fisek, Ersin Kalaycioglu and Suleyman Ozmucur, Is Dunyasinin Sorunlari (Oncelikler, Beklentiler, Cozumler) TUSIAD, Yayin No. TUSIAD T/87.l2.l08. Istanbul, l987. [Problems of the Business World (Priorities, Expectations, Solutions]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , An Econometric Model for Turkey, l965-l984. TUSIAD. Istanbul. l986.

Alkin,Erdogan Demir Demirgil and Suleyman Ozmucur, Turkiye’de Enflasyon ve Enflasyon ile Savasta Basari Kosullari. TUSIAD, l986. [Inflation in Turkey and Requirements for Success in the Fight Against Inflation]

Ozmucur, Suleyman ,Turk Ekonomisi Tahmin Modeli, l965-l983. Turk Sanayicileri ve Is Adamlari Dernegi (TUSIAD) Yayinlari. Istanbul, l984. [A Forecasting Model for Turkey, 1965-1983]

Kavrakoglu Ibrahim, Ali Riza Kaylan, Suleyman Ozekici, Suleyman Ozmucur and Guniz Tamer, Konut Sorunu ve Cozum Icin Oneriler. Istanbul Sanayi Odasi Yayinlari. Hurriyet Matbaacilik. Istanbul, l983. [The Housing Problem and Recommendations for a Solution]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Turkiye’nin Ekonometrik Modeli, l950-l974. Bogazici University Publications. Bogazici Universitesi Matbaasi. Istanbul, l980. [An Econometric Model for Turkey, 1950-1974]

Ozmucur, Suleyman , Cycles in Money and Prices: Spectral Representation. Bogazici University Publications. Caglayan Basimevi. Istanbul, l978.

Ozmucur, Suleyman, Bogazici Universitesi Ekonomi Bolumu Veri Bankasi. Surat Daktilo&Teksir. Istanbul, l977. [ Bogazici University department of Economics Data bank]

Yurukoglu, Kadir Tanju and Suleyman Ozmucur, Data Bank for the Turkish Economy. Bogazici Universitesi Matbaasi. Istanbul, l976.

Contributions to books/videos by International and non-profit organizations:

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Global Economic Outlook, Project LINK Meeting, April 24-26,2002, New York, 2002. (

ERF (Economic Research Forum), Economic Trends in the MENA Region, 2002. Cairo, Egypt.

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Report on the Meeting of the Expert Group on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (Project LINK), New York, 2000. (

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Report of the Fall 2000 Meeting of the Expert Group on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (Project LINK), New York, 2000. (

ERF (Economic Research Forum), Economic Trends in the MENA Region, 2000. Cairo, Egypt.(

IMF (International Monetary Fund) Institute, Distance Learning Course on Financial Programming and Policies, Washington, D.C., 1999.

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Report on the Meeting of the Expert Group on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (Project LINK), New York, 2000. (

United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Report on the Meeting of the Expert Group on the World Economic Situation and Prospects (Project LINK), New York, 2000. (

ERF (Economic Research Forum), Economic Trends in the MENA Region. Cairo, Egypt. 1998. (

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Human Development Report, Turkey 1997. Ankara, Turkey.

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Human Development Report, Turkey 1996, Ankara, Turkey.