Agenda and Papers


Registration and breakfast

Introduction and opening statements (conveners) 

Opening session and keynote speaker

Coffee break

Parallel paper session I 

  • Determinants of climate attitudes and behaviors
  • Climate policymaking and the private sector
  • Climate and conflict


Keynote speaker

Coffee break

Parallel paper session II

  • Clientelism, patronage, and distributive politics
  • Comparative and international political economy perspectives on climate politics
  • Climate and gender 

Campus walk to Penn Museum

Poster session and reception at Penn Museum


*Presenting co-authors are noted in bold

**This list is subject to change

Determinants of climate attitudes and behaviors

Alexander F. Gazmararian and Lewis Krashinsky: “Driving Labor Apart: Climate Policy Backlash in the American Auto Corridor”

Martin Alberdi: “Building Eco-Wealth: How Climate Subsidies Shape Support for the Greens”

Dongil Lee, Inbok Rhee, and David Sungho Park: “Balancing Global Climate Action and Local Rights: Survey Experimental Evidence on Public Support for Carbon Offsetting in Liberia”

Nikhar Gaikwad, Aura Gonzalez, and Steven Wilkinson: “The Determinants of Popular Support for Environmental Policy in India”

Clientelism, patronage, and distributive politics

Julien Labonne and Pablo Querubin: “Climate Change and Local Political Dynamics:  Climate Shocks and the Support for Clientelistic and Traditional Elites”

Yifan (Flora) He: “How Does Patronage Drive Deforestation in Bolivia?”

Saad Gulzar, Aliz Toth, and Anzony Quispe: “Paper to Digital: Understanding the Ecological Impacts of Land Reform”

Silvia Pianta and Paula Rettl: “Global Harms, Local Profits: How the Uneven Costs of Natural Disasters Affect Support for Green Political Platforms”

Climate policymaking and the private sector

Calvin Thrall and Noah Zucker: “Public or Private? Demand Shocks and the Market for Climate Experts”

Lily Hsueh: “The Multilevel Political Economics of Corporate Environmentalism:  Climate Disclosures in the Age of ESG Reporting”

Dahyun Choi: “Teaming Up Across Political Divides: Evidence from Climate Regulations”

Mengying Xie and Ling Chen: “Why Do Firms Participate in Voluntary Carbon Markets?  A Multi-level Framework of Global Private Governance”  

Comparative and international political economy perspectives on climate politics

Jana Grittersova , Eleonora Mavroedi, and Murilo Silva: “Fifty Shades of Green: Central Bank Communication about Climate Change and Financial Markets”

Anthony Calacino and Hayley Pring: “Offshore Outlaws: Regulatory Competition and Oil Spills in the North Sea”

Aseem Mahajan and Robert Kubinec: “Green Sheen or True Green? Unveiling the Advertising Tactics of Oil Giants”

Florent Pepin-Proulx: “The Politics of Transferable Skills and Energy Transition”

Climate and conflict

William G. Nomikos and Patrick Hunnicutt: “Peacekeeping the Commons: International Intervention and Conflict in a Climate-Changed World”

Blair Welsh, Nicholas Haas, and Prabin B. Khadka: “The Awareness, Politicization, and Prioritization of Climate Change in Displaced Communities: Evidence from Somalia”

Jiyoung Kim: “Drought of Tolerance: Climate Change and intergroup conflict in Africa”

Garrett Albistegui Adler: “Can Social Safety Nets Prevent Climate-Related Conflict? Evidence from Ethiopia”

Climate and gender 

Shelley Liu and Alice Xu: “Weathering the Storm: Climate Impacts on Informal Labor Formalization”

Boyoon Lee, Guilherme Fasolin, and Ted Hsuan Yun Chen: “Natural Hazards Threat and Early Marriage for Women and Girls”

Sarah Bush, Amanda Clayton, and Elizabeth Nugent: “Economic Diversification, Gendered Anxiety, and Regime Stability in the Arabian Gulf”

Holly Jansen: “Natural Disasters and the Electability of Women: Evidence from Philippine Mayoral Elections”