Student Fellows

Penn graduate and undergraduate students may apply for year-long (renewable) positions as institute fellows. Fellows participate in PGDI’s ongoing research and media projects, collaborating with faculty and partners globally and in Philadelphia, culminating in summer research travel. Student fellows will draw on their own interests and experience to engage in research and media production. They will have opportunities to be credited as key collaborators on films, and there may be opportunities for student fellows to create their own short films, conference presentations, and research papers. In the past, students have built on their experience, applying for Fulbright and other grants to continue work started with PGDI. Fellows may also have opportunities to assist with academic year courses as teaching assistants or participate as students in Penn Global Seminars that include global travel.


Sofia Anderson, CAS '24

2023-2024 Student Fellow

Anastasia Russell, CAS '25

Anastasia Russell, CAS '25

2023-2024 Student Fellow

Xiangyu Chen, SEAS '25

2023-2024 Student Fellow

Terer Sharon Chepngeno, CAS '26

2023-2024 Student Fellow

Mira Kwon, CAS '25

Mira Kwon, CAS '25

2023-2024 Student Fellow